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RPG and trial

PostPosted: 02.05.2011, 16:42
by eie
What is the difference between these building styles? I want a clear definition so I can tell trial-builders to fuck off if they call their track "RPG".

Please behave =)

PostPosted: 02.05.2011, 16:44
by trunks_11
An RPG needs a "story" or a "theme".

PostPosted: 02.05.2011, 20:43
by HawkGer
Just link to the RPG Introduction page on the RPG Blog, that should shut them up ^^ Occams definition still reads very solid after "all" these years...

PostPosted: 12.05.2011, 13:21
by simen
Fra Norge ?? :shit:

PostPosted: 13.05.2011, 13:39
by eie
Vennligst hold deg relevant til den p