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3D models conversion tutorial - extending model sizes

PostPosted: 08.03.2010, 20:26
<em>This article is written by sol666, his second tutorial on the RPG blog. This time he explains how to "hack" Nadeo's Maxbox to create custom models larger than the standard maximum size. Understanding and reproducing this tutorial will require the possession of 3dsmax and prior knowledge of 3D modelling in TM. I made a short video to show some examples:</em>

<div class="cntr"><object height="505" width="853"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="480" width="800"></embed></object></div>

<strong>A short guide on how to convert 3d models bigger than Nadeo's maxbox</strong>

First of all, I assume you know how to create / import models for TM in general, so I leave this unexplained.

<strong>Step 1</strong>: import / build your model and finish it (position, size, object names, textures,...)

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<div class="articleleftwrapper"><div class="articleleft"><a href="" rel="lightbox[sol6663d]"><img src="" /></a></div>
<strong>Step 2</strong>: place all pivots at 0,0,0 (might not be necessary, but I prefer doing that for easier downscaling / not having to move the complete model after scaling. So this might not work for moving parts although I didn't try yet). Affect pivots only!
Press the image to see a larger version.</div>

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<strong>Step 3</strong>: Reset xform to all objects of the oversized model.

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<strong>Step 4</strong>: re-convert all objects into editable mesh and export the complete model to *.3ds (export might not be necessary, but I sometimes had trouble when not doing that)
<div class="cntr"><a href="" rel="lightbox[sol6663d]"><img src="" alt="" /></a></div>

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<strong>Step 5</strong>: import the oversized model into a new empty scene.

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<div class="articleleftwrapper"><div class="articleleft"><a href="" rel="lightbox[sol6663d]"><img src="" /></a></div>
<strong>Step 6</strong>: switch to pivots mode, resize all objects to fit into Nadeo's maxbox (affect object only!). I always resize each object on its own, never all together. Having placed pivots at 0,0,0 is a big advantage then. You can simply scale each object down to xx percent. better scale it much too small than a little too big ;)
Press the image to see a larger version.</div>

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<strong>Step 7</strong>: import a working 3d model (also helpful to see if the downscaled object fits into maxbox). Delete everything of it except one object. rename this object to some unused name (i always use sDummy).

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<strong>Step 8</strong>: switch to vertex mode and delete everything of that new object except a vertex ( you can also leave the complete object, but that might look strange ingame ;) )

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<div class="articleleftwrapper"><div class="articleleft"><a href="" rel="lightbox[sol6663d]"><img src="" /></a></div>
<strong>Step 9</strong>: mark all objects, switch to pivots mode and reset, transform and scale.
Press the image to see a larger version.</div>

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<strong>Step 10</strong>: export as .3ds and convert with TM (remember you need MainBody.gbx and MainBodyHigh.gbx, so you might need to do this for two models...)

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That's all, hope I was able to help someone.

Cheerz, sol666 / =RR= arian sunnO)))<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div><p style='margin-top:10px;'><a class='externalURL' href=''>weiterlesen</a>