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YouTube increases the upload limit to 15 minutes for all use

PostPosted: 30.07.2010, 09:57
Great news for us RPG players today from YouTube; I'll quote from their <a href="">blog</a>:

<blockquote>We want YouTube to be the best place to upload video. Without question, the number one requested feature by our creators is to upload videos longer than 10 minutes. We

PostPosted: 30.07.2010, 12:04
by Promaxer
O.o 8o Awesome :!:

I hope they put 20 minutes someday like, there you can upload vids until 20 minutes ^^

PostPosted: 30.07.2010, 13:14
by heartX
great news

PostPosted: 31.07.2010, 11:41
by Shortz
nice, now I could upload all my movies from tm-tube on youtube which are all longer than 10 minutes *YAY*

PostPosted: 02.08.2010, 07:49
by Tiji78
Nice News !!