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Anonymous's contest series #001: Guess the track #01

PostPosted: 13.07.2010, 21:42
This blog needs some activity, so I'll start a series of competitions, all for fun.

The one with the most points in the end will win something (of very little significance). So, if you want to win, don't tell others what you guessed! <span style="font-weight:bold;">Participants who posts the answer in a public forum will be disqualified.</span>

The first game is called "Guess the track", where I will show you a screenshot from an RPG, and you will tell me what track it is from.

Everybody who guesses the correct map will get 1 point.

Here is the first track:

<div class="cntr"><a href="" rel="lightbox[guessthetrack1]"><img src="" /></a></div>
Press the screenshot to see a larger version.

So, take a guess. You can only guess ONE track, and you have to send it in a PM to me. Either send a PM to <a href="">"Anonymous" on TMX</a> or a PM to <a href="">"Anonymous" on the RPG forum</a>.

Remember, it's just for fun! I can't rule out cheating and abuse, so compete with yourself and don't rely on other people's answers.<div class="blogger-post-footer"><img width='1' height='1' src='' alt='' /></div><p style="margin-top:10px;"><a class="externalURL" href="">wbb.feedPoster.more</a></p>