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Pixelsport cleanup

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 19:25
by MadeAnonymous
I'm gonna clean up the map list on Pixelsport and I need some help..

What criteria should we have for deleting?

Any suggested maps that you want gone?

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 19:46
by Promaxer
Sry Anonymous, i usually dont go to pixelsport rpg server, but i think you can delete detroit, its awesome and that stuff but its boring and very hard, it's my opinion ^^.

Cya some day! :D

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 20:01
by etek
Detroit make py PC crash...On/Off you can delete Detroit but only for this reason.
ps : i try Detroit on an other server....same crash

I don't play RPG for a long time and i am yet enough surprise by the map i play, however it may be a criteria for your selection.
Those who are too easy for most of the player or too "deja vu" could be deleted...for a few month. To choose them, have a look to the maps with the most number of records.

Have fun


PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 20:07
by beep
I have same problem as you with HEAVENS RPG (more 200 track)
Too much choice inside :)

leave old best track for have free space for add new track for test

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 21:13
by heartX
I think you should leave some great old maps and good hunting maps (maybe several very hard ones) and then new maps.
I like hard maps, but they are sometimes very annoying and most people don't like to drive them.

I just tried to help you :).

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 21:43
by Kryw
Choice a reals story/adventure track, and 2Hours30min per map plz, unlimited sux.. (sometimes we play 8 or 10 hours just one track)

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 22:26
by MadeAnonymous
etek wrote:Detroit make py PC crash...On/Off you can delete Detroit but only for this reason.
ps : i try Detroit on an other server....same crash

I don't play RPG for a long time and i am yet enough surprise by the map i play, however it may be a criteria for your selection.
Those who are too easy for most of the player or too "deja vu" could be deleted...for a few month. To choose them, have a look to the maps with the most number of records.

Have fun


quote TMX:
Important II: Due to many complaints about the freezing bug, i decided to write here for all: For who have this bug you MUST set the music volume to 0, if you dont have this bug i recomand to listen the music for the giving-atmosphere

my choise for clean-up

PostPosted: 04.07.2010, 23:01
by moi57
kill bill / moormoon / t robot / czakram / mfg - indiana jonhs/ marihuana ville 3 !! /titanik

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 06:44
by Tiji78
Hi Anonymous, I don't think we need to "delete" Detroit from Pixelsport.

Ok, it's a hard one (actually i just achieved 35 cp on it) but it's nice to have a map with constant groth of difficulty.
Some Maps are just on the same level of difficulty all the way long. Having a map with a growing difficulty is good and interesting :)

You can totally remove the too easy ones, but not all of them : If we want players to discover RPG, we need to have some easy tracks.

I think we need to keep all the maps with good ambience/mod.

Cya soon on Pixel ;)

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 09:06
by tossha
No!! Don't delete Detroit from Pixel, it is the best map ever!
Delete Sports for example.
Why can't you just look at track karma and erase the worst tracks?

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 10:00
by MadeAnonymous
we can't just blindly delete maps based on karma, but this is where I will start. and no, I will never delete O clock and Detroit, no matter how many pm's i get about it lol. l2drive and enjoy.

and thank you moi for the list, kill bill, indiana jones will definitely go away ^^

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 15:00
by Realized2
Detroit ? One of the best rpgs ever created and probably the longest map ? Really ? No way!
Yes , it has a music bug , but it's not the reason to send away this awesome track. Just turn off the music , when playing it...

Also , Kryw , can't agree with you - timer and RPGs are incompatible (Well , maybe mini-rpgs are but that's it!). And what if a person needs more than 2 hours and 30 minutes to finish a particular map ?
"Sorry , man , you're not fast enough. Go and watch replay first and ruin the fun of discovering the path for yourself , then come back and drive it quickly!"

Hmm , can't choose what maps to delete (i'd hunt each and every map ^^).
Two maps , that aren't on tmx - Castle of Darkness and Norwegian Wood...
Maybe Forest Bury and Ultitex - don't see anything special in them.

And Moi , your choice is based on length and difficulty , can't agree with you too.

Also , Tec , can you post deleted map list here , when you're done ?

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 15:10
by Tabasco
Have you a list of all maps??

So all can vote.

Or is it to long?

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 16:20
by Tiji78
Realized2 wrote:Detroit ? One of the best rpgs ever created and probably the longest map ? Really ? No way!
Yes , it has a music bug , but it's not the reason to send away this awesome track. Just turn off the music , when playing it...

I will probably a lot of time before finishing it, but I want to finish it on Pixel, not on local game, or in a server i will not come after to beat that time :D

Realized2 wrote:Also , Kryw , can't agree with you - timer and RPGs are incompatible (Well , maybe mini-rpgs are but that's it!). And what if a person needs more than 2 hours and 30 minutes to finish a particular map ?
"Sorry , man , you're not fast enough. Go and watch replay first and ruin the fun of discovering the path for yourself , then come back and drive it quickly!"

I can only agree with you on that point. Fixing a time limit would be against the RPG community principle : Have Fun !!!

Realized2 wrote:Also , Tec , can you post deleted map list here , when you're done ?

Yes, please :thumbup:

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 16:22
by Tiji78
Tabasco wrote:Have you a list of all maps??

So all can vote.

Or is it to long?

Way too long !!
Remember when we needed to vote for our favorite track...
Do you remember how long the list was ? 8o

PostPosted: 05.07.2010, 18:45
by MadeAnonymous
the list is too long.. you just have to do a /list on Pixelsport.

the only map I have deleted so far is the black mod-map by eie. a shorty with some crappy luck start.

PostPosted: 06.07.2010, 15:56
by Nunquam
Delete nothing I'm happy with all those tracks :thumbup:

PostPosted: 12.07.2010, 16:33
by Igntul
lol everyone saying to erase detroit, that makes me happy , i reached my goal building this map, make the nubs mad and pro's happy :P :thumbup:

btw my list

kill bill, pimp my, test facility, hanzbor city, in the bush, the lost world, find the daylight, castle of darkness, rat race,indiana jones,woodislands, escape the fate, thelastnostromo, forest bury, sports, and maybe Endurance, absolutely trial

i would keep modded trials instead, they are always fun and have a theme even if not a story

a possible criteria: every map under 3:30 WR, (some maps with 3.xx wr are very nice imo, T_robots for example)
every map without mod or not working loc
and every map with 2 or more "intelligent"^^ erase votes here

PostPosted: 13.07.2010, 19:22
by MadeAnonymous
Another map deleted: Pamela

PostPosted: 18.07.2010, 12:05
by MadeAnonymous
Pre-started cleanup again: erased Box Raiders

PostPosted: 18.07.2010, 13:04
by keso_rtv
that track was nice xD

PostPosted: 19.07.2010, 22:12
by MadeAnonymous
I deleted some maps now, 90% of them are spelled wrongly:
forest bury
kill bill
hazbor city
test faci
in the bush
indiana jones
Frozen hell
Norwegian Wood
temple of xolo
burning mountain
calketh' adventure
rpg cold-fire
zone zero
mini reef
wood town
dune sand
last sun
find the daylight

and there are some maps I am unsure about.. can you help me choose? (the poll is private so nobody can see who is voting)

PostPosted: 22.07.2010, 13:59
by MadeAnonymous
Based on your votes I have deleted Pimp My [RPG]

PostPosted: 27.07.2010, 18:55
by MadeAnonymous
Also deleted: Burning Mountain II and RPG map2

PostPosted: 27.07.2010, 18:59
by eie
Why do you delete all my maps? ;(