Next weekend from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th there will be another 4freaks RPG tournament in TimeAttack on Heavens RPG. Beep posted info on TMX and on the RPG forum:
<blockquote>Hey all RPG players
We announce the forthcoming opening of a tournament "4Freaks Weekend RPG 2" on HEAVENS RPG
Theme: Best awarded TMX
Opening date: Friday 11/06/2010 18:00 (6PM) CET (UTC+1/GMT+1)
Closing date: Sunday 13/06/2010 21:00 (9PM) CET (UTC+1/GMT+1)
The maps:
<ul><li><a href="">MONTEZUMAS TREASURE</a> by TstarGermany (109 awards)</li><li><a href="">Sob