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T³ Trial Cup

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 17:45
by simo_900
Hey rpg community!

Information about tracks:
We need tracks, harder and little easier ones.
- Track lenght about 10-20 mins, hard but not too impossible.
- Track lenght about 5-10 mins, little easier ;)
(- 2 even harder maps?)

If you want to build a map, please tell it here or online.
When your track is finished, send an email to with the track and your login.

More info later.

You can send donations for cup to login: simo_900

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 17:47
by icebadger
I would be up for joining in, i recently made my united account, and want to earn some coppers

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 17:54
by eie
Can I build maps for this? if yes, then yes.

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 17:56
by simo_900
Yes of course you can, but i will tell about map lenght and difficulty later. ;)

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 18:34
by Tabasco
I think there are max. 10 players for a TRIAL cup...
My opinion its not a really avent with not many players

I move it in the right category

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 18:43
by eie
Well if it's gonna be hard trials, you'll probably be <10, but if you'll make it easy, it won't be a proper trial cup.

If it's gonna be short and hard it would probably be called a LoL-map, and I guess long maps will be better for a cup.

So I should start building a LONG and HARD trial map?

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 18:54
by taf_team
easy,hard, bad, nice, middle, boa trial
10 players, 100 players, turtle, kingo, no kingo !

I'M IN :D (depending on the date :s)

and, ask reahx for cc ! :dead:


PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 19:09
by simo_900
There would be short and easy -, and long and hard maps.

short and easy maps: ~3-10 mins, playable for everyone
long and harder: >30 mins, little harder but still not too hard

to ziz, reahx won't donate ^^ he gave 111 cc thats it ._.

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 19:20
by taf_team
i'm kidding, with more details, taf team will give some cc 8o

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 19:27
by malun22
Awesome idea!!

PostPosted: 29.09.2013, 20:37
by nom²
I'm cracking my knuckles. Make it happen.

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 08:26
by Geekthenet
Yeah why not ;)

If the date is good i could stream it =)

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 11:03
by polysank
I not hunt trials, but i like play it

I will join in the cup

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 12:59
by Reahx
Because I have much coppers doesn't say I donate ;p

but who says I dont donate?

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 13:48
by simo_900
well, you do

nice to see that some people are interested :)

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 14:16
by fleshback
simo_900 wrote:There would be short and easy -, and long and hard maps.

short and easy maps: ~3-10 mins, playable for everyone
long and harder: >30 mins, little harder but still not too hard
sounds good :D

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 14:37
by Mario
im in too :thumbup:

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 14:55
by Simon
I'd like a Trial Cup with hard maps, driven in Rounds Mode. (just like the Hell Trial Week)
Everything else would seem kinda boring to me, but I guess overall it would appeal to more people if they are not to hard.
Anyway, more events are always goodm so just go for it.

PostPosted: 30.09.2013, 23:53
by Shortz
I could record some during the cup some small clips and maybe recod the finals.

PostPosted: 03.10.2013, 18:52
by simo_900
Seems like the cup will happen, if we get enough coppers :)

PostPosted: 06.10.2013, 14:03
by BuLL||DoZer
:D This Trial-Cup sounds good :D
I can give 7k Coppers if you need it ^^

PostPosted: 07.10.2013, 13:12
by nom²
I can give you 15k.

PostPosted: 07.10.2013, 17:55
by simo_900
Big thanks guys :)


Now its almost sure that the cup will come ^^
We got much donations in short time, now 85111 cc. 120111 with the donations what we haven't got yet.

Read first post for information about tracks!

PostPosted: 08.10.2013, 09:24
by taf_team
20k from tafteam done :assaultrifle:

reahx donation is 111cc or 111K ? ! :chainsaw:

PostPosted: 08.10.2013, 11:07
by simo_900
111cc ^^