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[Poll] Your top 10 favorite RPG tracks

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 12:57
by HawkGer
Okay here's a fun and potentially interesting thing I have been thinking about - a poll in which you can vote for your top 10 most beloved RPG tracks. The data comes from the trackpage on the RPG Blog, I just cleaned it up a bit ^^ If the track you are looking for is not in the list, you can also vote for "other".

In case you changed your mind after voting it is possible to change your vote afterwards.
CTRL+F recommended ^^

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 13:05
by Tabasco
Oh lala.

A long List of Maps.

Not a easy Poll..............

Many Maps are good............

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 13:05
by -DasEimer-
Nice poll ;)
But could you write the names in the order like the alphabet next time, please ;)

Else good work ;) Lot of names :D

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 13:13
by HawkGer
yeah that would have taken ages to sort the tracks by alphabet, since I took the data from the trackpage and that is sorted by date ;)

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 13:48
by Tiji78
HawkGer wrote:yeah that would have taken ages to sort the tracks by alphabet, since I took the data from the trackpage and that is sorted by date ;)

Jsut a little passage by excel and order alphabetically and that's it :)
But CTRL+F is a good way of finding our favorites.

I voted :

Labyrinth II
Apocalyptic Hybrid

Nice tracks, and need to finish a lot more to, maybe, change my votes ;)

RPG Powaaaa !

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 14:00
by HawkGer
ups, good to know that ^^ I'm glad I was even able to import the data from the blog into excel :D
Appears like you really seem to like the GM mod...only GM tracks in your list... ;)

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 14:42
by Igntul
wow 5 votes are definitely too less... so i wanna point out what other maps i would have voted but couldnt

i actually voted:


the Day After



Abandoned Factory

i would have voted too:



Poseidon's Wrath

il nome della rosa

The Great Escape

I cant really say that the maps i voted are better than the 2nd ones, when an RPG is very good, nothing can overtake it... not evcen another RPG :p

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 15:28
by eie
yes more than 5 votes please :o
didn't get the chance to vote for my own track now =)

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 15:37
by HawkGer
alright, number of possible votes has been increased to 10 :)

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 16:33
by sol666
i'm missing the united rpgs in that list ;(

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 16:44
by Guest
nice list, all my favourites be in there.
but just one question: there are two ex gehenna's, isnt there? which one is listed in here? :)

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 17:35
by HawkGer
Added four united rpg's at the end sol ;)
When there are multiple versions of one track I always kept the latest one. Meaning that v2 of Ex Gehenna is listed here...

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 18:13
by Kiyo
Ok after about 15 minutes of reflexion, i finally came up with a list of my ten favourites rpg maps !!! It was very hard to choose only ten maps, many many are awesome, and i basically like all rpg maps a lot ^^

I voted, in order of preference :


PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 18:28
by ??¹ [Pajero] Jonas
Damn, I don't remember the maps just by the name, that made it even harder to choose. Would have been some other tracks in my vote, but I chose the ones I remembered :D

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 18:31
by Realized2
So hard to choose...
anyway , here's my top10 along with some maps that didn't make it :)
1 - Persia
2 - Domnann
3 - Abandoned Factory
4 - Detroit
5 - Labyrinth
6 - Labyrinth II
7 - Drop Scrolls on Sobekite
8 - Byzance
9 - Poseidon's Wrath
10 - The Day After
11 - Al-Zahrain
12 - Factory Catacombs
13 - Dark Forest
14 - Green Hell
15 - Karnak
16 - March of Time
17 - Back to the Future I, II
18 - MarihuanaVille I, II
19 - Tikal
20 - Forest!!!
And the top3 mappers would be:
1 - eie
2 - igntul
3 - katodik

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 18:39
by eie
Aren't there more than 4 united rpgs? :o

PostPosted: 28.05.2010, 18:59
by HawkGer
Those four were the only ones I could think of out of the back of my head. Three by Golo and one by Sol666. There's one other by PegaJus but I thought nobody would vote on that and I can't think of the name right now ^^

PostPosted: 29.05.2010, 13:26
by Golo



Poseidons Wrath


These 5 are just classics for me and I love to play them again and again. But of course its hard to compare. I could have voted for many others as well. ;)

PostPosted: 29.05.2010, 14:06
by Tiji78
HawkGer wrote:ups, good to know that ^^ I'm glad I was even able to import the data from the blog into excel :D
Appears like you really seem to like the GM mod...only GM tracks in your list... ;)

Yeaaaaah GM mod rocks !!!!

So I added RPG Map 1 & 2; Ghouls; T-Robots & A trip to the hills.

Nice choice for all of you.

I finished maybe 25 to 30 maps only, but i'm trying to drive all the tracks I can :)

See you all during the next RPG Round Race.

@Kiyo : Sobekite of course ;)

PostPosted: 07.06.2010, 19:16
by trunks_11
There are a lot of maps i like... I voted the first RPG tracks that i

PostPosted: 08.06.2010, 03:34
by tossha
My favourite maps are

The Green Hell
The Great Escape
il nome della rosa

but i could forget something...

PostPosted: 20.07.2010, 07:44
by Tyroc
hard to pick just 10. really hard.

PostPosted: 11.02.2011, 14:31
by sogard
[quote='Realized2','index.php?page=Thread&postID=223#post223']So hard to choose...
anyway , here's my top10 along with some maps that didn't make it :)
1 - Persia
2 - Domnann
3 - Abandoned Factory
4 - Detroit
5 - Labyrinth
6 - Labyrinth II
7 - Drop Scrolls on Sobekite
8 - Byzance
9 - Poseidon's Wrath
10 - The Day After
11 - Al-Zahrain
12 - Factory Catacombs
13 - Dark Forest
14 - Green Hell
15 - Karnak
16 - March of Time
17 - Back to the Future I, II
18 - MarihuanaVille I, II
19 - Tikal
20 - Forest!!!

No Czakram ? ;) :lol:

PostPosted: 12.02.2011, 12:22
by juliano6010
find the way:

Track Info - TMX

ganster city:

Track Info - TMX

Puzzle mod:

Track Info - TMX

in the jungle:

Track Info - TMX


Track Info - TMX

Survival Challenge:

Track Info - TMX

mini #13:

Track Info - TMX

min RPG:

Track Info - TMX


Track Info - TMX

PostPosted: 12.02.2011, 17:06
by nitro
Nobody took Puzzletime? I think this is one of the best RPG Maps and the first I've ever finished btw^^