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Enigmes & EnigMatik Video Compilation

PostPosted: 05.01.2013, 13:24
by HawkGer
Yesterday I drove the track "EnigMatik" by fish and learned later on that the very first RPG "Enigmes" had been updated some time ago. The mod on Enigmes never worked for I never bothered to drive it. I guess the same is true for many other RPG players. The very first RPG and so many people haven't even seen it !
That's why I made this video compilation of Enigmes & EnigMatik:

EnigMatik on TMX: Track Info - TMX
Enigmes on TMX: Track Info - TMX

Btw. sorry the quality sucks, my PC went on strike...

PostPosted: 05.01.2013, 16:55
by Shortz
if you need help with movies I could offer my service hawk :3

PostPosted: 05.01.2013, 17:03
by Maca
Its a nice video, and bc i never played Enigmes, im really suprised how Fish made soo similar path :golly:

PostPosted: 05.01.2013, 18:25
by HawkGer
shorty, what program do you use to compress your videos? I'm still stuck in 2010 with VirtualDub lol :D
Edit: nevermind, I can do it in Premiere...

PostPosted: 05.01.2013, 18:39
by Shortz
format factory, and than I coompress them to mp4 or avi files. :)