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Trackmania 2 Stadium | Open Beta

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Postby HawkGer » 01.04.2013, 22:01

video with some new blocks in it:
I'm not really impressed :( but maybe more will come....
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Postby Golo » 01.04.2013, 22:19

I dont really get the last block they show
but it might be a good lightsource,
as it looks like a cp and cp lights are stronger than normal lights...

the other blocks dont impress me either.
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Postby occam » 01.04.2013, 22:36

thx for the video link Hawk :- ) i only read about the blocks up till now :- >

Golo wrote:I dont really get the last block they show
but it might be a good lightsource,
as it looks like a cp and cp lights are stronger than normal lights...
it seems to be the podium block for Stadium
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Postby Golo » 01.04.2013, 22:43

Can you explain me anewbie like me what exactly a podium block is? :D
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Postby occam » 01.04.2013, 23:18

it already exists in canyon...you obviously know the typical podium sequence after the race from TM1 Stadium...with an update for Canyon came a podium block, which you can place in your map and which will be used for the 'podium sequence' at the end of the race...


i had to search longer than i thought to find a YouTube video with podium sequence (my own from early beta have the old podium sequence :- >), here is one (at 16min 49sec)

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Postby HawkGer » 02.04.2013, 14:51

I wish they hadn't added that billboard behind the podium in Stadium 2. This way you won't be able to see much scenery...

Yesterday we had the premiere of Tenochtitlan 2 on Heavens RPG 2. Here's a video I made from my best run:
Tenochtitlan 2 GPS video



Tenochtitlan 2 GPS video
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Postby nom² » 02.04.2013, 15:05

oh man.. honestly this looks pathetic. floating lightsystems everywhere and the replacement for the invis pool and similar blocks is just laughable. seems like ill stick to tmnf.
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Postby Golo » 02.04.2013, 15:14

thanks for your posts occam and hawk!

I kind of agree with nom
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Postby XT3 » 02.04.2013, 15:42

I do know a way to remove the glow on curtaint objects its just two different textures
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Postby HawkGer » 04.04.2013, 17:04

I think we won't have to worry about the darkness, there will come a solution I'm sure. Ziza yesterday successfully extracted a lightmap, edited it in Paint.NET and integrated it again into the same track. He is trying to make a tool right now so that HEX-editing will not be required. This might be one way to solve this problem.
If not we can still hope that Nadeo implements the custom objects lights as soon as possible...

In the "Hello Planet 3" message that was written today we also get to know a few more information:
Hello Planet #3 | ManiaPlanet Official News


Map makers will be able to add items easily from the map editor. They can be different types, such as sets, generators, pick ups, turrets, teleporter or even bots! The idea is to enable and add interactive elements to solo or multiplayer experiences. Pathfinding will be included, while script functions will allow you to define bot targets. Items are a new file type, that will be linked with a later version of the editor, enabling players to define their editing and interactive properties

This sounds really interesting. I hope they will enable this for TM as well :)
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Postby HawkGer » 06.04.2013, 03:56

All hail ZiZa :hail:
With his tool you can now change lightmaps with 4 clicks (not counting the editing of the image ofc).
Here he changed the lightmap to red for example:
(tool is not available for download yet)
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Postby Mario » 06.04.2013, 08:23

Awesome! :thumbsup:
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Postby eie » 11.04.2013, 13:01

[quote=Hylis]I would rather avoid teleportation at the moment, to avoid confusion[/quote] Link from November

I'm glad Hylis has changes his mind regarding teleportation, and yeah hopefully we will have those features in Trackmania too... This just means Nadeo is a dynamic and

How powerful is ziza's lightmapping tool? It looks awesome to change the colour of the map with that, I can imagine how much better Burning Mountain or Apocalypse would be if they would have a red gloomy light =)
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Postby HawkGer » 11.04.2013, 14:42

The lightmapping tool wasn't really designed to color tracks but to make them lighter.
Here is a pic from The Labyrinth with brighter shadows:
This is a nice spot I chose to make a pic of...but there are also spots in the map with ugly shadow transitions. So the tool does not make perfect shadows, at least not if the track is not optimized.
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Postby maxi031 » 11.04.2013, 15:51

Lightmap tool could be realy handy until(if) we get better lighting for stadium.
Right now my eyes hurt affter i finish 2-3 rpg challenges, idk how do people play in that dark.

I would like teleportation, for me it will be very interesting to play with it.

Btw heres some unknown structure i made from custom objects just to show off :)


It was 3 minutes of hard work in editor.
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Postby Mario » 11.04.2013, 17:02

I'm glad Hylis has changes his mind regarding teleportation, and yeah hopefully we will have those features in Trackmania too.
I asked him during the live stream of 100.000$ tournament about the action maker, if it will be implemented for every maniaplanet game and he said for the start its for shootmania only....dont know about the things like teleportation tho :/
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