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Define a true RPG

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Define a true RPG

Postby XT3 » 20.03.2012, 16:51

I have a question, that was brought up by a friend and i agree with the thought as it is the same with me. :) Difine a RPG, track. :hmm: Is it the story :?: is it the mod :?: is it the music and sounds:?: is it the track it's self?

There is a clear differnce between a Trial and a RPG. both are a harder version of platoming tracks. Thats what i see them as. To me a Trial has no story at all, and hold rpg tricks throughtout the track such as Technological Breakdown which to me is a pure trial track.

Now my RPG track Annonace Bay has a story, and a advenours feel to it. THrough there are others out there with give me the same feel.

Then Among the Ruins seems to me to be a cross between RPG and Trial. As i do get a partly feel of RPG element but not completely as it seems to be more trial like. I only seen the video not played the track.

I might be asking what seems stupid, as there is a page on the Blog that defines RPG tracks. BUT! I do feel like if this should also be explianed as what you think makes it RPG or not. I not am feeling like bost tracks that are concetered RPG are more Trial like. ;( I am not trying to get in trouble but now i guess i just want to voice my opinion. Though now i have one question what do you think is needed to make a track a RPG track?
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Postby HawkGer » 20.03.2012, 19:44

There is no absolute RPG definition. It is just like the term "Art". For art to exist there must be a receiver who interprets his cognitive functions in a way that it can be called "Art". In the same way a Gbx. file is not an "RPG". Someone who drives the track and matches his experience of this track with his definition of an RPG can call it an RPG for himself. But the next person might have a totally different experience and call it a Trial.
Technological Breakdown is the perfect example. For me it's an RPG because it has a distinct atmosphere and a theme that distinguishes it from Trial tracks. But others might not see the theme, only random block formations just like in Trial tracks.

I think we had this discussion before btw. Not sure though.

And :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: for building a Bay track with Myst mod 8o
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Postby Niiel-Moo » 20.03.2012, 19:48

Hehe, i wanted to write exactly the same about Technological Breakdown.
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Postby N00BYZOR » 20.03.2012, 20:26

I totaly agree with Hawkger. Each player have his own opinion on a track. It mainly depends of the feeling he get while driving it.
But well, there are several things that can make the player feeling into a "RPG" :
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Postby XT3 » 20.03.2012, 20:45

I see thats right each person has their own view on whats what but i see RPG and Trial tracks as extreme Platform tracks
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Postby GSNPaul » 20.03.2012, 21:17

I always found it ignorant when people kept insisting that there had to be a story in a track for it to be RPG. Come to think of it: isn't it awesome if a track has no story but playing it makes you feel like there was one? If the atmosphere is so strong that the story comes right out of your imagination? For me, this sort of inspiration is the true RPG feeling, but i would never proclaim that this was the only way to feel about it.

In fact, Hawk's "art" comparison works quite well here: as in art, there are several styles of RPG existing next to each other. Try to compare tracks like "Abou Simbel", "Krypton", "Jumanji", "Ex Gehenna" and "The Labyrinth" with each other. They are so different, yet they can all be considered RPG. Also, as in art, styles evolve over time and at every time there are different concepts considered "state of the art". Compare classics like "Enigmes" and "Sob
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Postby Shortz » 20.03.2012, 21:34

well in the last 2 years we made this evolution, from "slow" RPG tracks to nowdays "fast" huntable tracks. They got now more speed/dirt/tech parts but still the lovely scenery, MT, story things. Imo a good change :)
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Postby XT3 » 20.03.2012, 21:39

hmm i see, makes sencse, I'm glad i asked this since its nice to get everyone's opinions on this! AS I think this would be usefully for trackmakers to get ideas on what types they might want to make :)
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Postby N00BYZOR » 20.03.2012, 23:47

isn't it awesome if a track has no story but playing it makes you feel like there was one? If the atmosphere is so strong that the story comes right out of your imagination? For me, this sort of inspiration is the true RPG feeling
This is exactly what I think about it.
You said it all :hail:
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Postby moi57 » 21.03.2012, 18:40


The RPG MUST have PATHFINDINGS on ALL CP because the RPG is a adventure and a adventure without pathfinding is like use a GPS on a highway!

The scenary is important too,scenery can be a outside scenery or inside or the two both, the maps Krypton by Paul is a good exemple i think because the scenery is outside and inside is same time.

A mod is really necessary on a RPG because the mod make 75% of the atmosphere! and the original mod is just ugly its why the people make mods then use it.

The creativity on RPG maps is almost more important than the rest because play many maps by some different authors and got the impression is the same map is boring,lame,annoying,shitting.

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Postby XT3 » 22.03.2012, 00:04

moi57 wrote:Hey

The RPG MUST have PATHFINDINGS on ALL CP because the RPG is a adventure and a adventure without pathfinding is like use a GPS on a highway!

The scenary is important too,scenery can be a outside scenery or inside or the two both, the maps Krypton by Paul is a good exemple i think because the scenery is outside and inside is same time.

A mod is really necessary on a RPG because the mod make 75% of the atmosphere! and the original mod is just ugly its why the people make mods then use it.

The creativity on RPG maps is almost more important than the rest because play many maps by some different authors and got the impression is the same map is boring,lame,annoying,shitting.

That makes sense its the creativity that makes RPG a RG! I really agree with you on that.
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Postby __Tornado__ » 23.03.2012, 04:06

A minimal definition can be help here. I think that a RPG need an story, and you have to do some tricks to complete the story. The scenery is important too, but in a minimal definition I think the mood is not needed. It have to be an interesting experience and you expect a dificult path to finish the track. Now, to define a RPG in a maximal mode, you need a lot of things more, but that is a complex definition.
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Postby __Tornado__ » 23.03.2012, 14:07

I want to said other things about RPG, that is why I
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Postby Hokiebird » 23.03.2012, 20:04

Ok, the one thing that an RPG MUST HAVE is a THEME! (And no, being extremely hard is not a theme; that's still a hell trial.) Usually this is accomplished through the use of a Mod, though Technological Breakdown is an exception. The very best RPGs will then have the track constructed such that the track, name, and feel of the track all match.

Abandoned Factory
Detroit (1 and 2)
Parallel Universe
Technological Breakdown
Jungle Valley
Poseidon's Wrath
Tree of Life
The Name of the Rose
The Great Escape
Mario World
Mountain 3
Labyrinth 1, 2 and 3
Abou Simbel (1 and 2)
A Trip to the Hills
Castle of Shadows

There are many others, but these were the first ones that came to mind.

Things the RPGs are NOT REQUIRED to have, but don't diminish quality if you do:
-path finding

And finally my pet peeve: You must have a theme, but you don't need a story. Less is more when it comes to both media effects and stories in RPG tracks. No story at all is preffered.

The most impressive tracks will NOT rely on excessive media tracker effects (Sorry, not a fan of Enai Siaion) to either create the theme, or worse, tell a meaningless story (in broken English, mind you) which is usually embarrassingly bad. Seriously, don't try to tell me "I acquired an object." It's a goddamn racing, game, and I'm driving a RACE CAR. If you insist on making a story, make it completely optional like in Parallel Universe.
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Postby __Tornado__ » 23.03.2012, 21:45

Amen, Hokiebird, great reply.
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Postby pLexT » 28.03.2012, 01:06

I must agree with HawkGer; the definition is totally subjective. I could list all my personal favorites, but ultimately, it comes down to this: Ask yourself: "Why do I like RPG?" There's your definition.
OK, OK... I will list some of my favorites :D
Infectious Groove
Fall Guy
Flood (Popgun's)
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