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Reporting Nunquam. (Admin on the most popular RPG server rig

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Reporting Nunquam. (Admin on the most popular RPG server rig

Postby HylleZ » 10.01.2014, 23:07

Hey! I joined the Pulse RPG server today, and Nunquam gave me a welcome ignore. I don't even understand why he does thing like that, but other admins convinced him to unignore. After that I asked if anyone was watching the AGDQ (Awesome games done quick), that's the most popular event at twitch now-days.

People started wondering about what the purpose were, and I answered that it was charity event who raised money for the prevent cancer foundation. Most people were happy with this, but Nunquam started saying loudly his hate against charity, and that he would love a world full of cancer.

I got a bit angry at him, and brought up that I lost my grandpa by cancer, before I've even seen him, and that my dad lost his dad at a age of 14 years. Nunquam just laughed of me and said how happy he was with that or something, and I told him to fuck him self. What kind of sadistic person enjoys people loosing their dear ones, and of course I got blacklisted by Nunni when I resisted to say that my grandpa's death was justice, or what he said. So :growup: Nunquam. If you thought it was funny, OK, but it is not, and I would like an apologize.

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Joined: 16.11.2010, 13:55

Postby Nunquam » 10.01.2014, 23:16

Start a novel, you got the plot :rolleyes:
To those wondering, of course I never said most of those things, several witnesses anyway ;)
Anyway, Hyllez is just being mad being blacklisted... again
Sorry for him messing around the forum :S
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Postby HylleZ » 10.01.2014, 23:19

No. If you think I was mad about getting blacklisted your wrong. I got mad when you said my grandpa's death was neccesarry, and that the AGDQ was nothing to donate for. Litteraly meaning=You want more cancer, and you even said "I don't care, I will die of cancer anyways". I am still waiting for the appologize.
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Joined: 16.11.2010, 13:55

Postby Nunquam » 10.01.2014, 23:21

HylleZ wrote:I got mad when you said my grandpa's death was neccesarry. You want more cancer.
Are you seriously telling I said that ? Dude you're high
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Postby Mollebo » 11.01.2014, 01:39

First of all i was there Hyllez, and nun did'nt say anything of this, you really just misunderstood what he did say...
the only thing you are right about was that he did'nt belive in the charity thing. some people just don't, you just god mad to him and did say alot of things to him that you should'nt do. so i understand why he did BlackList you once again, you really need to behave you self sometimes....

- Mollebo -
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Postby HawkGer » 11.01.2014, 03:15

Thanks Mollebo for clearing that up.
Maybe it should be you, Hyllez, that should apologize now for calling out Nunquam publicly like this without any substance behind it. And as you stated yourself, you did say some inappropiate things to Nunquam and therefore deserve to be blacklisted. Don't be surprised if you stay in that blacklist forever now as a result of this thread...
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Postby FillInTheBlank » 12.01.2014, 02:16

No-one has provided any proof of their claims so you can't accept what either party says.
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