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texture MOD: StadiumFabricL

PostPosted: 22.08.2012, 11:58
Yop !

I make a mod and I need help for a texture "StadiumFabricL"
I would like to create an effect blood drop
I tried this, the report is on the StadiumCircuitD



the quality is not great
Can you help me?

PostPosted: 22.08.2012, 16:43
by Igntul
i think its easier to just do it on the original texture of the fabric instead that on the L
the image is small so it will always be bad quality
plus its a light texture, so it will look flashy.. i think doing it on the normal texture is better

PostPosted: 22.08.2012, 17:44
by XT3
well only the lights glow color many i can remove the glow of lights by making it black on the L file. THough cool lighting effects can be made with the L files