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New modding system

Postby Igntul » 27.06.2012, 00:30

hello players, mappers, and expecially modders

wasting time, i found this new very interesting stuff for modding
let me show you an example


if you ever tried to make a mod you will soon see that this picture shows blocks that are painted in an impossible way if using normal modding system. but i didn't use the normal system, i painted shadows instead..
well, the reason this screen looks like carnival mod is that i just pasted this on all the files of this new system, that in fact are 12, versus the over 100 of the normal mods -> a complete mod this way is 4 MB, normal mod with all painted blocks is over 60 MB

the main point of making a mod like this is that, for example, while normally one single texture paints the dirt road, with this you can have one texture for the normal dirt road, one for the raised one, one for the tilt one, and one for the dirt roads with fences
that works for almost every kind of block of course, you can see the many differences in the picture

this means that there's way more textures to choose from in a track, and that technically you can make 3-4 rooms using 3-4 different mods, in the same map

right now it only adds colour to the normal block-textures, but if you make the normal textures completely white, then it will look like a normal mod at all

also, adding these of course won't exclude the possibility of making normal textures too

it works on all quality settings, from min to max

but, why am i making this therad before i finished an actual mod with that? easy! because making one is complicated, and for now, random, but with some help i'll be able to sort the pictures well, and make tables so that it will get way easier and accessible to everyone

some of those 12 files are divided into 30+ parts of various dimensions, and what i have to do now is understanding which part paints what and in what way, and since its a whole lot of work, i'd need some help, from expert modders or people who know how to use photoshop, at least^^

so, here's the test mod i made (and used in the picture)
shadowMod test

and the blank mod to try modding yourself
shadowMod blank

hope i'll get some answers, because i think this little thing has a big potential if used the right way :)

oh, also, i've never seen something like this before, but if you have, please tell me^^
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Postby Shortz » 27.06.2012, 13:06

Proud Member of team BX3, no loose ends!
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Postby N00BYZOR » 27.06.2012, 21:26

Sound very interesting 8)
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Postby Golo » 27.06.2012, 22:04

Veeery interesting indeed ;)
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Postby XT3 » 29.06.2012, 18:36

I did something like this already I canged some FX O images for my Void mod.
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