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The RPG Forum Database - FileHosting 4 free

PostPosted: 17.05.2010, 12:25
by HawkGer
This forum now has an integrated database, meaning that users can upload files there which they will need for the integration in their RPG tracks, for example images, ads and music. To access the database, click on the last entry in the menubar.

Once a file is uploaded, you can copy the direct link of the file by right-clicking on the save button. A locator must now be created, pasting the URL ingame is not possible. For creating a locator read this: TM Creative (Trackmania Creative) - Tutorial - Locators
Please keep in mind that music with copyright restrictions needs to be converted into the .mux format before uploading to the database. When uploading your files, please include a little description of 3 or 4 words, so that we can exclude it from being spam.

Due to technical reasons, the maximum allowed upload time is 60 seconds. Files which take longer to upload will produce a server error. They can be posted here and I will upload them manually to a webspace.

We hope some of you will take advantage of this service :thumbsup:

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 12:43
by Vklf
Ok, so I uploaded an image I want to use in a map.

But the Save Button links to

Which isn't an image format, so TM doesnt accept it... hmm, how do i get the .jpg URL that links directly to the file ?

Edit by HawkGer: The link above linked to a file directly and there is no problem with the DataBase. Anyone just looking for the instructions to the database can ignore the following conversation.

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 12:49
by Tabasco
Vklf wrote:Ok, so I uploaded an image I want to use in a map.

But the Save Button links to

Which isn't an image format, so TM doesnt accept it... hmm, how do i get the .jpg URL that links directly to the file ?

jpg,jpeg,gif,png,xml,mp3,ogg,pdf,txt,tar,gz,mux,zip,rar is Supportet.

When you want to post a Picture, Use the Galerie.

In the Galerie there is a Code to Implate the Pictures to another Website or here

When you want to add a Link to the Picture, use Externer Link (URL) in DB

How many KB it is?

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 12:57
by Vklf
Tabasco wrote:

When you want to add a Link to the Picture, use Externer Link (URL) in DB

How many KB it is?


It's already uploaded to the Database, now I need a URL thats ends with .jpg for it

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:07
by Tabasco
The DB is only for Download and Linking for Download FILES
But the End of this picture or file is not JPG or so on. is the Link to this.

When you Upload it in your Galerie it be:
Code: Select all

The Codes are Right form the Pictures

There is JPG ending for Other sites.

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:12
by Sturmo
Hi tabasco
even the "direct link" in the gallery does'nt point directly to the picture.
All you get is a link to instead of
http://*/cookie1.jpg which is the required format for the editor.


PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:17
by Tabasco
Here the Link with BBcode:

Code: Select all

And the other Link:


Code: Select all

Go to the Galerie, klick on the Pictures and right klick on Mouse. Then you see the Link.

I look where i can display directly to the Link without Mouse right klick

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:19
by Vklf
I thought the database was meant as a filehost for files used in maps ?

[quote=Hawk]This forum now has an integrated database, meaning that users can upload files there which they will need for the integration in their RPG tracks[/quote]

So if u want to use something from the database, u have to download it, and upload it somewhere else where they do give you a direct link to the file in stead of an indirect link ?

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:23
by Tabasco
Yes, but when you klick on a File first you must Download it.

When you want Direct, it must be on the Webspace.

DB is Linking to the Files to Download not vor Directlinking to Implate

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:27
by Vklf
[quote=Hawk]Once a file is uploaded, you can copy the direct link of the file by right-clicking on the save button. This link you can now paste ingame or create a locator with it.[/quote]


I think u and Hawk don't share the same idea

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:36
by Tabasco
Yes yes

But the DB is not a IMAGE Hoster.

When you Bind the Link into another site you can Download Directly not Display a Image

When you Klick here the Files open Directly for DL.

I think a Locator doesnt goes. I search f

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 13:48
by Vklf
[quote=Tabasco]But the DB is not a IMAGE Hoster.[/quote]

Allowed file extensions: jpg,jpeg,gif,png

If you don't want it to be used as a image host, then remove these allowed extensions.

[quote=Tabasco]I think a Locator doesnt goes. I search f

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 18:28
by HawkGer
Okay I just got online now and I don't really understand the problem here.
The link takes me to a direct download, meaning a command pops up that I can save the file.
From my understanding an ending like http://*/cookie1.jpg is not necessary. I even tried linking the image in the editor with the above URL and it worked. So why would you get the idea that TM doesn't accept the URL?

I think Tabasco and me share the same idea that images that are used for track building shall be uploaded to the database and images used for the Forum integration be uploaded to the gallery.

Does this clear things up a bit?

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 22:39
by Vklf
HawkGer wrote:
From my understanding an ending like http://*/cookie1.jpg is not necessary. I even tried linking the image in the editor with the above URL and it worked. So why would you get the idea that TM doesn't accept the URL?

My game says:

Could not Create the skin.
Unknown file extension

PostPosted: 23.05.2010, 23:51
by HawkGer
Uhm where exactly do you paste the URl ingame or how do you get that error? I wouldn't know of any command line where you can insert URL's for your images in the editor...
I simply created a locator file (.loc) in the Image folder, that worked for me! ;)

PostPosted: 24.05.2010, 01:08
by Vklf
Ok then u got to explain that workaround :P

(I just try to paint a Sign in the editor, and click on URL.. but ingame it only accepts links that end with an image format it seems)

PostPosted: 24.05.2010, 01:43
by HawkGer
Okay now I see...I knew something wasn't right here ^^
If you want to have the picture appear ingame directly on the screen you have to create the locator as I mentioned: TM Creative (Trackmania Creative) - Tutorial - Locators
And then go into the MT editor to assign the Image.
If you want to have your Picture as a sign you first need to resize it (I think 512x256 or smaller) and then convert into the .dds format. Although I dunno if that is necessary. I guess that is what caused your error. In case you need any more help please open a thread in the trackbuilding help forum to keep this post clean. We will help you there ;)

PostPosted: 24.05.2010, 09:19
by sol666
i think i can help here... had the same problem a while ago with mods from

creating a locator with an url, which does not have the required ending (.jpg, .zip, .dds or whatever) works.
writing the url manually after clicking "add url" does not work (error unknown file extension, i witnessed that with urls from

so you need to create a locator, as hawk already said. resizing or converting to dds is not necessary though. signs work well with .jpg files and will automatically be stretched to 2:1. if you use a 512x512 pic with a circle on it for example, it will be shown as an ellipse in 512x256.

PostPosted: 24.05.2010, 11:31
by HawkGer
Thanks for clearing that up sol :) I will write into the instructions that a locator must be created for signs and mods...

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 02:32
by preupgrade
So, I wanted to do a new RPG-Track. Am I allowed to use the database for my pictures in the Track? And if - how can i upload the .loc file?

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 14:52
by Tabasco