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3DS Max model to Trackmania 3D model

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3DS Max model to Trackmania 3D model

Postby JumperJack » 23.11.2011, 22:40


For the RPG I have been working on for five months now, I still need a couple of things. One of them is a 3D model of a mars-vehicle (or moon-buggy, but neither that has yet been made by the community).

And since it doesn't exist yet, I went looking for a decent 3D model, and found this free one on turbosquid: 3D max Buggy 3ds car

Since I didn't know a thing about 3D modelling or conversion, I spoke to someone with a little more experience lately. He said that the high vertice-number of this particular model (468,000) could make conversion hard, because of the necessary simplification.

Because of my total lack of experience in 3DS Max, I don't really want to learn the conversion-process myself, since I think that it'll be quite time consuming.

Therefore I'd like to know if there's someone here who is more experienced in this craft, who could tell me more about the possibilities here, and how much work it would be. Or, of course, if there's someone who would be interesting in doing this for me.

Or, of course, if people think it would be a way better solution to just pick a random buggy from carpark and not bother about the fact that it's not really a space-buggy...

And at last, I'd like to know if it would be possible to seat two astronauts in the buggy, since an empty buggy would look kindda weird.

I hope someone could help me out here, at least with a bit of useful information. ;)
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Joined: 08.09.2011, 05:55

Postby trunks_11 » 24.11.2011, 21:44

unfortately.. the most "moddelers" of this form are very inactive, maybe you have luck with sol666 when you pm him, but it's better to register in the trackmania-carparkand ask there for help, there are some very helpful guys...
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Postby JumperJack » 24.11.2011, 22:46


unfortunately i already posted this on carpark, but nobody responded on my request yet. i'm starting to think that this project is way more difficult than it seemed to me at first. anyway, i think i might just take a regular buggy for my rpg, and accept that it's not solar powered. thanks anyway for your reaction, it's appreciated! ;)
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Joined: 08.09.2011, 05:55

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