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[Help] Textures distorted

Postby maxi031 » 23.06.2011, 10:50

Hi all i am new here, but not new to tm, i did few mods for TMN-TMU before, now i am tring to make one for tmf and its going fine, only problem i run to so far that i don't know how to fix are distorted textures.
Here is the picture:
ImageUploaded with ImageShack.us
If anyone could help with this i'll be very grateful.
Last edited by maxi031 on 23.06.2011, 10:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby HawkGer » 23.06.2011, 12:42

I don't see the problem here. The picture is way too small to show anything. I only see that you are pointing to the StadiumWarpAuvent2D texture on different blocks. That is normal behaviour for the texure.
I never liked myself how the texure is used for both the bottom of the platform blocks and the side of those circuit blocks. It makes finding the right texture quite hard.
On the circuit block not the whole WarpAuvent2D texture is displayed, just a part of it...because the surface is rectanguar and not square like on the bottom of the platform blocks. Maybe that is bugging you. But you can't change anything about that.
And if the texture on the circuit looks blurry you can try to raise the resolution from 512x512 to 1024x1024. Never done that myself though....
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Postby HawkGer » 23.06.2011, 12:50

I also see that you have shadow bugs in your mod which you can see on the circuitD texture. One texture is light and the one next to is is dark...in a recurring pattern. To fix that you have to adjust the Normal texture...for example CircuitN.dds. After applying the Nvidia filter go into the channels, select everything in the red channel, copy that, cut the channel so that only 100% black remains, create an alpha channel and paste the copied content in there. gl
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Postby maxi031 » 23.06.2011, 13:37

I did what you suggested and yea mod looks a lot better now thanks :).

You probobly hav'nt understood what i was complaning about.
Here i'll try to explain it better:
example 1:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

example 2:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

On those pictures you can see on the textures i pointed out some kind of wierd dots, textures look pixeleted, like shader problem, so i wondered can those dots be removed.

Thank you for your help :D .
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Postby HawkGer » 23.06.2011, 15:42

Okay, that looks mighty strange on the first pic...never seen anything like that except when there's a bug with the alphachannel (my Photoshop occasionally just added an alpha channel in the diffuse texture with random black dots in it). But good to know you already have a solution now :)
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Postby maxi031 » 29.06.2011, 16:32

Ah i tried everything i cant get rid of those dots, but nvm its not such a big deal.
I have question related to this texture:

What is the name of texture file?

And one more question, i realy want to know can i remove the gaps that show on the edges of this block:

Thank you for your help :D .
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Postby HawkGer » 30.06.2011, 00:58

Is that on the second picture really a gap, or just a very small strip of a texture? Hard to see...
I can only guess for the first one. Maybe one of the WarpAuvent textures? Hope someone else knows.
Else you can try to make a mod with all textures 100% red and start removing textures one by one. That way at some point when the red color disappears ingame so that you see the standard texture again you can pick out which texture it is. You can even make all textures red in photoshop with just a few clicks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPRZM4gO6es ( just shows how to make batchjobs in general)
Well, better to wait if someone else knows the answer already ^^
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Postby Skeleton » 30.06.2011, 09:21

The 2 textures from the first image come from your StadiumControlInteriorD.dds shown in image where I've put a red stroke.


The texture in the second image comes from your StadiumRoadBorderD.dds, again shown in image with a red stroke

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Postby Skeleton » 30.06.2011, 09:36

btw going back to the first post here they are not 2 textures, it's 1 texture. The 2 textures you are showing with dots are the same texture which is your StadiumWarpAuvent2D.dds. Maybe look at that or send it me to look over.

p.s. I know it says on here I'm a beginner but when it comes to modding trust what I say lmao
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Postby maxi031 » 30.06.2011, 18:07

@first picture: texture changed, thx Skeleton for the name, i was looking for that texture but got lost :).

@secound picture: it is a strip of some texture but i dont know wich one. Black part is from StadiumRoadBorderD.dds yes, but that yellow strip looks really uggly when i put few platform jumps side by side, so i was looking for the texture name, then i can change it to black to fit better.

Back to the first post, here ill give you files Skeleton so you can try, it might even be my graphic card.
I reduced file sizes so i can put it in attachment, originals are 1024x1024.

Thx for your help guys :).
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Postby Skeleton » 30.06.2011, 18:31

First thing I see is your specular doesn't have an alpha. Take a copy of you specular layer and paste into an alpha. With alpha selected make it darker as you don't want stone to shine and needs to be saved as DXT5.
Diffuse always DXT1 no alpha unless an alpha is needed for see through parts. All speculars and normals DXT5 and must have an alpha.
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Postby Skeleton » 02.07.2011, 08:42

Was this fixed?
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Postby dose » 02.07.2011, 11:47

your problem of darker spots is refered to the scale of your height generation.

In nvidia tools, so Normalmap ;)
the more you go up in height (ex:22) the more you will get this bad darker spot.

You can fix that by lower the N.dds Normal map to 2.2 .
+ you can play with the cloudsFX.dds; make it the clearer that you can, so you'll get less shadows made from the clouds.
as example, I have gave you also the cloudFX i made for my Last Mod, so you can see the difference ;)

Here's the 3 files fixed at the lowest height possible (so less 3d effect) + cloudfx.

first I've remake the Specular that now have lightfx (alpha-channel=just take the green channel/or the one who have the best light(darker color=darker fx, whiter color=more light on the color texture) and
copy it to the alpha channel
save to Interpolated alpha DXT5generate mipmap

I have then took the Diffuse and insert the nvidia normalmap fx (2.2 height) to the RGB channel.
then copy the red channel and past it to the alpha channel.
save to Interpolated alpha DXT5generate mipmap

OFC , the Diffuse is saved in 1 bit alpha DXT1 (exeption is if you want transparent texture, you need DXT5)

-Download zip here

good luck! but sincerely thats not much of a problem^^
we can live with this darker spots ^^ :pleasantry:

Oops ;) sorry Skeleton did'nt saw your answer ^^

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Postby Skeleton » 02.07.2011, 13:02

His height scale was default and ok. His red channel was deleted and copied into his alpha and you don't add a 1 bit alpha to diffuse. Diffuse DXt1 no alpha or you will cause transparency where you don't want it. If I remember right old tm used this but not tmf ?(
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Postby maxi031 » 07.07.2011, 17:03

First i apologize for the late replay, havnt time to replay earlier.

I know how to do specular maps, but i still have not came to their editing, those dots stoped me to move on haha.

Dose is right, i finaly removed dots :).
I fixed this by painting the normal texture with single color- 0080FF and alpha chanel with A0A0A0.

There are no more dots, but there is also no more height in StadiumWarpAuvent2N.
Better without normal, then with those uggly dots :).
I still can't figure out why just StadiumWarpAuvent2 have problem with this and not other textures, thats wierd.
By the way big thatnks guys for your help, I am really grateful for all the help i got here :).
I hope to finish track soon, and finaly release it.

edit: @Dose: i tried your clouds but they looks somehow unreal for me in game, they are moving too fast, wich affects shadows on the maps to move with unnatural speed.
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