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[Help] Modification of the "Pirate Bay" Mod

PostPosted: 26.10.2010, 15:54
by dope!
Hey RPG-Community,

Since the last few weeks i'm working on my upcoming RPG "Pirate Bay/not the final name".^^
As you can see the Mod "Pirate Bay" by HawkGer inspired me to build this map.
Heres a Screenshot:
Image Image

But there are a few things i dislike at this mod..
1.) The Transperency which appears after restarting tm, it is really annoying because it destroys the atmosphere. just look at the Screenshot:
Image Image
2.) The Palmtrees are just Grey, and so they dont look like trees xD

So here is my Request, if someone would make those parts intransparent, and the palms a bit more natural, i would give him a Showcase on that Map or 1000Coppers as a Prize for his/her Help.


dope! :D

PostPosted: 26.10.2010, 20:10
by nom²
can just someone help him? xD
i swear to god that this is one of the best tracks ever and now imagine ur a part of it :)
gogogo modders

PostPosted: 26.10.2010, 20:42
by trunks_11
I can make it ^^


Warum denkste denn das das die atmosp

PostPosted: 26.10.2010, 21:11
by dope!
Es zerst

PostPosted: 26.10.2010, 21:35
by Igntul
Can you translate that in english? I arleady fixed those 2 things you dislike and have the mod ready, but maybe you want so ething else to' be' fixed?

You know i hate when i work uselessly, so if trunks havent finished... :p

PostPosted: 26.10.2010, 21:48
by dope!
i knew that i have to translate that post xD

1.) The Transperency:

The First few sentences were about how transperency destroys the atmoshere^^ so dont mind about them
I'd like to have the transperency fixed the way it looks after loading the mod the first time.. but if its too hard to make, you can also jsut paint those parts black^^

2.) The Palms:
I'd would like to have them set back to the orignal texture, but maybe without the "TM Sunrise lettering"

Very Quick response, thx ign ;)

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 08:53
by Igntul
yeah i did fix all the transparencies and made the palms more realistic, here's the mod
hope you like how it looks :)

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 11:22
by dope!
great :love:

the map looks way better with your modification ;) so i will give you both the 1000Cc and a showcase ;)

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 13:39
by trunks_11

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 15:19
by dope!
ne^^ aber danke :) kannst auch n paar coppers als endsch

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 17:12
by trunks_11
I made a fast try....

Also es ist nicht so leicht dieses teil umzuf

PostPosted: 27.10.2010, 17:17
by trunks_11
Now I

PostPosted: 28.10.2010, 15:18
by dope!
would you add that texture to the pirate bay v2 mod by igntul?:D i ve to look for it ingame^^

PostPosted: 28.10.2010, 15:41
by trunks_11
So that means its enough for you when it looks like that?

PostPosted: 28.10.2010, 15:48
by dope!
dont know^^ have to look for it ingame...^^