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one pic --> many signs

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 15:51
by Golo
Hey there.

I need to know hw to divide one pic into many small pics so that the pic can appear bigger in TM (because its on more signs). It has to be very easy but I really dont know it^^

thx for awnsering

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 16:01
by Tabasco
1 Pic in many Smaller Pics???

Which size is now and what size you need?

You can Use Paint from Windows to make it.

Or Post the Pic and somone make it.

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 16:26
by MadeAnonymous
Use Photoshop's rectangular select feature and copy the selection box and do ctrl+c and ctrl+n and ctrl+v ^^

questions? Remember 2:1



sorry, too wide for this forum so had to remove the last column ^^


From: Intronaut: Track Info - TMX

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 16:47
by eie
know you made me remember when I used this technique last December ;p

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 17:27
by Golo
thx for the fast awnsers.

well, I don

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 17:50
by Tabasco
Pro geht auch.

Markiere den Ausschnitt den du m

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 17:56
by MadeAnonymous
Don't know.. it's not hard to obtain Photoshop though.. 30 days for free for example...

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 18:03
by Golo
Ok, Ill do that ...thx...

@tabasco: jo, ok, aber wenn man das manuell macht wird es halt ungenau und auch umst

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 18:34
by Tabasco
Folge mal dem Link:

zerlegt ein Bild in mehrere Einzelbilder der angegebenen Gr

PostPosted: 15.08.2010, 18:58
by Golo
thank you ^^

PostPosted: 23.10.2010, 13:47
by nom²

PostPosted: 12.11.2010, 15:30
by dose
Hi, im not answering directly but im here to give you a site that cuts a pics (ONLINE) into many parts you need ;)

After you will only have to have to change the width and height of your pictures to fit TM (or not)

Slice,Crop,Resize Picture - PICSLICE

Oups just saw that NOMNOM just gave the same site :rolleyes: