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HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

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HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby wraith » 15.08.2014, 12:00

Hello everyone

ok where do i start..well yous have seen some of my work but i never really understanded the N and S tiles..
and i am going to say i really am a Noob when i comes to working on photoshop doing these tiles,
when people say do this do that, then i am knacked to be honest..i find it very hard to understand it..
I can not do the S tile file to take out the shine !
and also find it hard for N tile..

So what i am asking can someone PLEASE do a step by step pic guide on the above tiles s/n how to remove shine
also i see saying about adding alphas..plus it needs to be in english
i think i have lost alot from my memory, because even the simple things as gone..so much worry going on in the real life world due to family illness..

i made this once over, but i have now been told its wrong, if someone can make it this way step by step
showing the right way to remove shine and working with the settings for N and S, i have seen a red color on youtube
but can not see how to do it.
http://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/24 ... le?page=-1

sadly i can not pay yous any money, but can offer planets !
once over i joined here way back in 2011. and after the creative closed i forgot about this site after my hard drive crashed
and found alot of my friends left TM and never came back, so my helpers i lost forever..my last mod was to be the very last one, and for me to stop making them forever "loire valley" but i have many ideas in my head, things i would love to try but i can not do it, well finish them due to the lack of understanding the S file and N, its a shame if you only had to mod the D file lol...
Loire Valley was released but its not right ! and i hate it, because i can not fix
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby Geekthenet » 15.08.2014, 16:25

I use this : http://trackmania.forever.free.fr/wa_files/tutomod.pdf

S is for Specular. (Shows the lighting brightness and reflections. )
N is for normal map. (Shows the details in height. For example to make something look more bumpy.)
D is the Difuse. (Shows the color)

The 3 images are then put together by the game to make the final look.

Can't really help more then that. The Tutorial is in French tho.
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby wraith » 15.08.2014, 18:50

shame its not english, could have worked it
10.000 planets if someone can make one in english :wink:
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby ZiZa » 15.08.2014, 22:47

this is not how our community works, no need to pay for infos... if someone knows it he will gladly help - in this case i would suggest talking to hawk_ger, he created lots of mods and is quite familiar with these kind of things
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby wraith » 16.08.2014, 00:38

ZiZa wrote:this is not how our community works, no need to pay for infos... if someone knows it he will gladly help - in this case i would suggest talking to hawk_ger, he created lots of mods and is quite familiar with these kind of things

I AM so sorry to offer the planets, it was for time it would take someone to make one..
but with google translater and another link someone sent me, i know understand what the S file does and how to mod it..
so half thx here and half thx elsewhere
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby ZiZa » 16.08.2014, 01:10

nono, if you want to offer planets that's up to you, i was just saying it's normally not neccesary. Nice to hear you're getting somewhere
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby popgun » 16.08.2014, 08:11

You can grab the photoshop actions that I used when I was making mods here.

Load it into photoshop and then do this:

Save your Diffuse then run through the actions in sequence i.e.

HalfIt - Halfs the pixel size of the image on screen
Duplicate - Er.. duplicates the images, so you now have 2 image tabs
Specular - Creates a specular image of the open tab - Save this as *S.dds and close it
Normal - Creates a normal map of the open tab - Save this as *N.dds and close it

This will save you a huge amount of time

Hope it helps

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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby wraith » 16.08.2014, 11:55

i guess i can offer planets then if you hold comps, just ask me ;)
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Re: HELP with S and N tiles in photoshop

Postby Geekthenet » 19.08.2014, 08:34

Popgun the god :o

I never thought of making an action out of it. That's so smart :D
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