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cant find certain textures!

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cant find certain textures!

Postby XT3 » 07.03.2012, 00:13

WEll as a modder. For some reason there are a few textures that i can not seem to find and its annoying me to no end! :pinch: one of the textures is unber the stadium curicit block the ceiling if you will call it. Then There is the the white texture on the side of the Circut border blokc. the white part of it that can cannot not find the texture. WHICH I KNOW I FOUND IT BEFORE! AND MODDED! :cursing: :cursing:

Then theNadeo sign the is over the CPs, I like to know what that is as well. Then is it possible to edit the defaut sign paint skin of the Ads in the mod? Can someone tell me what those textures are? As i am working on another mod in addtion to my maney others also in the works. :D

That is a single pic of my cryoshell mod. But it shows what i want to change. :) The rooms Ceilings is the normal texture under the stadiumcircut block is one of the textures i want to change.

Next the exture above the Black stripe with Cryoshell on it is the other texture i would like to have the name of.


Now that picture is showing the Nadeo CP signs around the RingCP that i'd like to know what the name of that file is.

Well, we could need some screenshots but that nadeo sign over the cps is only editable in your Main TMFolder, and you can't send it others in a mod.

If that is true why not? :huh:
Last edited by XT3 on 07.03.2012, 18:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby trunks_11 » 07.03.2012, 16:02

XT3 wrote:
Then theNadeo sign the is over the CPs, I like to know what that is as well.

Well, we could need some screenshots^^ but that nadeo sign over the cps is only editable in your Main TMFolder, and you can't send it others in a mod.
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Postby XT3 » 07.03.2012, 18:06

Oh ok i updated with pictures.
Well, we could need some screenshots but that nadeo sign over the cps is only editable in your Main TMFolder, and you can't send it others in a mod.

I will test that. :D
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Postby popgun » 07.03.2012, 20:18

Ceiling is StadiumWarpAuvent2D.dds

This should sort you out.

Hawkger's Texture Guide

Loads of mods, loads of tracks. Look em up. :)
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Postby XT3 » 08.03.2012, 00:40

thx! popgun!
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