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Blue lines in Night mood

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Blue lines in Night mood

Postby eie » 27.08.2010, 19:31

Hello, it's me again =)
again I need help, I'm making this new mod, and I want to remove the blue lines in the picture;

I just want to know if it's even possible, and which files which needs to be edited ^^

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Postby MadeAnonymous » 27.08.2010, 20:00

I know Hardarm has been able to do this.
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Postby HawkGer » 27.08.2010, 20:05

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Postby eie » 27.08.2010, 20:23

StadiumFabricL.dds it is then? Thanks, I remembered this post, but I couldn't remember where it was ^^

Hopefully this track will be finished in less than 10 weeks =p
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Postby Igntul » 27.08.2010, 23:18

wow very fast eie...
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Postby trunks_11 » 28.08.2010, 21:42

So when i colour StadiumFabricL.dds without anything (transparency), then tehy wont come?
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Postby Igntul » 29.08.2010, 11:06

nononononono then many black lines will come, just paint the blue parts of the image in a colour that fits in the mod
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Postby trunks_11 » 29.08.2010, 11:12

ok, i
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Postby Promaxer » 29.08.2010, 12:41

8o Nice hawk and thks
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Postby eie » 29.08.2010, 13:10

Igntul wrote:nononononono then many black lines will come, just paint the blue parts of the image in a colour that fits in the mod

yeah but that's okay, isn't it?
How can I remove these black lines then? =)
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Postby trunks_11 » 29.08.2010, 15:06

Igntul wrote:nononononono then many black lines will come, just paint the blue parts of the image in a colour that fits in the mod
Do it like ign said^^
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Postby eie » 29.08.2010, 15:20

No, because then there will still be black lines =p
I wan't them away!
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Postby Igntul » 29.08.2010, 15:31

i mean you have to leave the image as it is but just paint the ble lines of another colour... white if the circuitbase is white, to make it less visible
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Postby sol666 » 29.08.2010, 18:33

painting the parts black will make them disappear. that's how i did it in some mods.
just don't change the alpha channel and remember the file has to be dxt5 format.
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Postby Promaxer » 29.08.2010, 19:36

O.o me do not understand scientific trackmania language, please translate... :|
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Postby trunks_11 » 30.08.2010, 12:20

sol666 wrote:painting the parts black will make them disappear. that's how i did it in some mods.
just don't change the alpha channel and remember the file has to be dxt5 format.

To make it transparent makes it black, and to make it black makes it disappear? Ok, i
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