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Normal map questions

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Normal map questions

Postby paxiuz » 11.10.2016, 17:46

Hey guys, I had some question about making normal maps using the Photoshop NVIDIA tool.
Here is the screen I'm getting when trying to make them:

Are there settings that need to be changed ?
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Joined: 30.03.2013, 02:23
Location: Canada, Quebec

Re: Normal map questions

Postby paxiuz » 11.10.2016, 17:47

Popgun's answer:

-Height generation = 4 sample
-scale = 4
-3D view = Animate Light ticked
-Alternate conversion = biased
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Joined: 30.03.2013, 02:23
Location: Canada, Quebec

Re: Normal map questions

Postby popgun » 12.10.2016, 21:16

Well you could show the guys what the problem is, before quoting an answer that seems to work for me Pax.

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