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Mixing Grass into Dirt

PostPosted: 28.07.2012, 20:12
by preupgrade
Hey guys,

i've got a problem. I want to mix Gras into Dirt. One time it didn't failed (look B circle), but all other times the Dirt Block disapperead, when i opened the map with the Unlimiter and then saved it and reopened it (look A circle).

How i try to mix: I take a Circuit-Block, change it to a Grass Block, give it the values 0 16 0 0 and mix it under the dirt block with z = 0.

Plz help me!



PS: I'm using TrackStudio to mix Water and Dirt.

PostPosted: 29.07.2012, 02:56
you can poses them by double

PostPosted: 29.07.2012, 03:16
by preupgrade
Can u explain a little bit more detailed? I dont understand...

PostPosted: 29.07.2012, 03:45
by XT3
I use that trick alot. over lap tw of the same block. Also If the dirt hil is high in the air and a block over lapping is making in gone. Place a dirt block on Z0 and it will appear :)

PostPosted: 29.07.2012, 13:23
by preupgrade
Could u make a small picture? Cause i tried ur tricks, but i failed...

@XT3 What do u mean with "tw"?

PostPosted: 29.07.2012, 15:35
by XT3
Two. I am making a pic Tutorail on how to do that trick. It works. how tro do what I do when making mine. I did a multi over lap with water in my RT Tech track. over lapped water with so many blocks! so much over lapping blocks. I will create a tutroil on Black dirt tickys for everyone! :)

PostPosted: 13.08.2012, 17:05
by __Tornado__
Please do the Tutorial, this tricks help me a lot.