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MT Helper searched for...

PostPosted: 29.06.2012, 14:19
by Housekeepr
Hi all,

Im looking for anyone who has a good idea of how to work with MT,
I have a few projects, i would love to finish but im a noob in MT, and i dont wanna fuck up the more then it alrdy is,
I know most alrdy assume the map wouldnt be to best since my last 2 entry's for a cup failed big time, i know, been there, learned.. And im just building for fun, and just wanna try to release them for fun play!
Dose always helped me on MT, pretty well imo, but he retired so im looking for someone who know's what to do :)

So here is the Question,
I have a map 15min tracklenght, 30cp's... Mod, Signs in place, everything is done except the full MT,
I need an Intro, Outro, And MT on the game, i can provide u:
- Information for the Intro and Outro in a word document
- For the ingame MT, i made short drive replay's so u know where i need MT and what will need to be done...
It seems to me it should be quite simple,
U want to do it for honour and a name onboard, would be awesome...
U want to negociate for a price (in coppers?) we can discuss about it...
Feeling interested in helping me?
Please send an PM or respond below here...

I also have a huge RPG map, with 150cp's, of which 50 cp's are done in MT, and i need the last 100 done.. in the same style as the first 50... if u wanna help on that one, and help me release, i would be more then happy to hear!
