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PostPosted: 12.05.2012, 14:00
by jeti16
Can someone please tell me how to overlay track components? ;(

PostPosted: 12.05.2012, 20:11
by trunks_11
You mean how to add a modification to your track?

PostPosted: 13.05.2012, 12:09
by jeti16
I mean I cant make for example half of circular checkpiont rise from ground

PostPosted: 13.05.2012, 12:27
by trunks_11
..could you send us a picture/screenshot from what you want to do?

PostPosted: 13.05.2012, 14:20
by XT3
you have to raise the number in the block's varible Z up or done and that effects the whole block. :0

PostPosted: 13.05.2012, 16:53
by dose
XT3 wrote:you have to raise the number in the block's varible Z up or done and that effects the whole block. :0

with one of these software if you dont have it


Challenge edit

found on my website ;)

infos to trackstudio and challenge edit:


PostPosted: 13.05.2012, 18:16
by jeti16
Thank you,
I was looking for something like this but couldn't find it. :hail: