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Creating RPG map bugs?

PostPosted: 14.01.2012, 16:32
by Raj
So i start to create RPG maps i use TrackStudio program for blockmix and i got TMNF free account. After i mix some blocks like for 2-3 cp's in a rpg map now i cant open it, i can open map with TrackStudio but cant open in game to edit/validate, when i press Edit in game map loads about 80% then game close with no error or other info about why did it closed, is becouse i didnt buy the game or is something with map?. Someone say to me meybe TS saved map wrong but why i can open with it then? I wait some help if someone know or meybe there is another blockmix program better than TS. Thx

PostPosted: 14.01.2012, 17:33
by discombobulated
Try using unlimiter instead for your blockmixing.

And save under different version numbers after every hour or so . so you can go back to a previous version if at anytime you cant open in normal trackmania

If you look for a post by dose he has a link to his homepage with unlimiter on it

PostPosted: 14.01.2012, 17:40
by dose
check these posts first , it may help ^^

[Help] Error opening CE/TS

[Help] ChallengeEdit trouble...

[Help] Can't open Challenge in Challenge-edit / Ingame


PostPosted: 14.01.2012, 20:06
by Mario
Trackstudio makes backups of your map everytime u open/edit the map with TS.
Its where u saved your trackstudio.

this is the folder: TrackStudio 1.0\Backup\Mapname

PostPosted: 14.01.2012, 22:11
by Raj
Thx all for response :) have a nice day.