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two outtro on one track

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two outtro on one track

Postby XT3 » 12.01.2012, 21:03

I have a question. Is it possible to have two different outro's on one track? If so can someonr tell me how?
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Postby Igntul » 12.01.2012, 21:58

whats the purpose you need two outros for?
in some cases its possible i think
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Postby discombobulated » 12.01.2012, 22:10

double post
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Postby discombobulated » 12.01.2012, 22:10

You need to explain more ,

You can have one which runs directly into another,which is just basically one long outro.

Or some maps give you a choice of 2 or more finish lines ,if each finish line has a trigger for a different clip why not.

Or maybe have an ingame finish line triggered outro for online play and a different outro using the end game clip for a different offline outro.

Would some of those work
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Postby XT3 » 12.01.2012, 22:30

Well I have one finish the idea is that the story has two ending, But the idea is that one helps you get ahead in the next track ^__^
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