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Multi MT Triggers Typo FIXED!

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Multi MT Triggers Typo FIXED!

Postby XT3 » 10.01.2012, 03:12

Turns Out I made a typo. :dash: Nwi it's fix basic summery people put in "0.1". THe "" where surrounding what YOU PUT in for the requirements.So you put in 0.1 instead of "0.1" The . is the and sign in the MT.

I looked around to see if there was a thread that tells you how to have one trigger can be only be actived by having hit more than one prevous triggers. 8| Or that you did not trigger a set of 3 some triggers. :D Well I'ts possible and i don't know if it's a known fact, I am doing that at least two times in my Mystic Wires which may still be a beta but it has the use of hiting more than one triggers to have one trigger activate.

Anyways, you know how each trigger has its own number. Well that's the key factor. :evil: So set up atleast two triggers that you want to have as the two 'keys' as I will call them. :P So We will have a total of 3 triggers, trigger 0 trigger 1 and trigger 2 as the trigger # starts at 0 not 1.

:D Here comes the fun part, place them where ever you want in any envirment. Not choose trigger 2 and maake the condition so that it will only activate with gets one key. in the # area where you'd normally choose only one trigger. type in 0. Then there's the simple part for the word and in the MT tracker type in . then Type in 1, so the trigger requirement will be 0.1 Thats it! :dash: Thats how you make a trigger only activating by need getting both keys before it turn on. If this is knew then. GO ME! if not, I just created a tutorial for it anyways. Have fun RPG mappers!
Last edited by XT3 on 10.01.2012, 21:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Igntul » 10.01.2012, 06:20

wait.. really?
am i the only one who didn't know that or?^^
it's gonna be soooooooooooooo useful :o
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Postby luckypech » 10.01.2012, 10:22

It isn't working for me.

I made a small testing track ^^ , placed 3 triggers, gave trigger 2 condition already triggered "0.1". If i only took trigger 1, trigger 2 didn't work (this is correct :D ). If i only took trigger 0, trigger 2 played ?( . And if i took both it played :D .

I also placed condition not yet triggered "0.1" at trigger 2. What happened: if i only took 1, trigger 2 played (this is again correct :D ). But again when i only took trigger 0 trigger 2 didn't play :dash:.

Am i doing something wrong or is it impossible ;( .
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Postby GSNPaul » 10.01.2012, 11:36

I guess the game reads the "0.1" as one number and then rounds that number to an integer value. So "0.1" becomes "0", which would explain luckypech's results.

I didn't test that though, so it's just a guess, maybe someone cares to verify that theory.
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Postby XT3 » 10.01.2012, 12:36

Then I could have said the wrong thing , or . it's one of those Ididn't remember which on I'll have to check later today and fix it. after school and work.

"0. 1" or "0,1" Try my Mystic wires track and you will come across the twin reactor room which you need to hit the ring cp. and on the respond cp is a trigger that will only happen if you get all 4 trigger in the rings look at the screen shot below
If you wan download the track and look at the MT it's in there I am not kidding, let me look at it later.
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Postby Igntul » 11.01.2012, 06:16

ring mix? yay
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Postby XT3 » 11.01.2012, 15:52

Thx Igntul!

Anyways This typo is rixed! for those who tried tit plz test it out again. You put a . between the cp 3
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