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How to stop sounds resetting on respawn?

PostPosted: 02.12.2011, 22:40
by popgun
Hi all,

I want to use short music sequences in different parts of a track, but if I respawn when they're playing they restart. How do I force them to carry on? The 'coninue playing' option in MT doesn't seem to work and placing triggers on the cps doesn't work eiother. Any tips?


PostPosted: 02.12.2011, 22:49
by trunks_11
I tried to find that out too, but the answer is just easy and very disappointing... There is no way...
You can only put 1 music that doesn't restart when you respawn, and that is the overall challenge music. If you add sounds, that get louder and which got different loop parts... then it sucks, and its poor that there's no way to avoid that. The only way to get another sound is to put a trigger with the sound on the cp... but a trigger just restarts and restarts when you hit it, so when you respawn... Well sry, there is no way

PostPosted: 02.12.2011, 23:27
by popgun
Thanks Trunks, I suspected it wouldn't be easy. Guess I'm going to music score the whole track then. I'll go and get my old synthesizer out of the attic.

One more thing, As I normally play with music turned off, will any music I use as a backing track repeat when it finishes?

AND I assume any sounds effects I use in the MT will just play over the music backing track when triggered?


PostPosted: 03.12.2011, 08:12
by Thomatos
What if you put a trigger on the cp, and another one on the next block (on the way to go), and only start playing the music if the next block hasen't been triggered yet ...

I don't know if this works, I'm just ... trying to help :D

PostPosted: 03.12.2011, 20:47
by trunks_11
@popgun, i never tried, i play without sounds 99%

@thomatos, that will make the music just playing for a sec, and then it will never come again, so, it won't work^^

Had thiss answer too :D

PostPosted: 06.01.2012, 22:20
by Guest
Well, i had this answer too but i tried much trunky said all -.- that's rubbish :D