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Water resistance

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 01:11
by preupgrade
Hello RPGer,

I have a problem. In my new RPG-Projekt I want to mix Dirt with Water in the sky. But i don't want that the water resistance get's lost. Please help me.


PS: If you are German, pls answer in German ;)

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 01:39
by Shortz
it wont work u only got teh water resistance when u build the normal pool on the ground (z=0). If u mix it in the air (z=>0) the resistance get lost.

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 07:31
you can add a block dirt above the water
position Z+1

tuto in french
Tuto : Route inond

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 09:58
by Shortz
but when u mix it higher than (z=1) the resistance is lost.

PostPosted: 26.08.2011, 11:12