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ChallengeEdit trouble...

PostPosted: 03.07.2011, 14:15
by Thommy Terneborn
I have a problem with ChallengeEdit.
I have just started using TMUnlimiter and its going great, but I still want to use ChallengeEdit for invisible road and such, but when I try to open the map I have used TMUnlimiter on in ChallengeEdit it will not open. :dash:

Is there a solution for this problem?


PostPosted: 03.07.2011, 18:27
by Promaxer
Maybe the track as strange leters, u need to put it a simple name, and try using trackstudio instead of CE its alot simple.

PostPosted: 03.07.2011, 19:22
by Skeleton
Sometimes you can put things in places with TMUnlimiter that CE can't interpret. If I make changes with TMUnlimiter I save under new name like original name track, new name track 2, track 3 and so on. Keep backing up with new name for this reason.

PostPosted: 03.07.2011, 19:25
by trunks_11
Blockmixing RULE 1: Make backups of your maps, safe it in different names. When you build too much with tmunlimiter and that in a row.. then it sometimes happens that you can only open it with tmunlimiter. To try if that is so, start normal tm and then open the track in the editor, if that works, challenge edit should be able to open the track, when not, then not. There is no way to make invi roads or something then, others need to use tmunlimiter too to play the track then

PostPosted: 04.07.2011, 15:08
by Thommy Terneborn
Ok thank you very much. Really helped!
I think its the name of the track. Its got weird letters =P
Till next time!