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Error opening CE/TS

PostPosted: 27.06.2011, 19:19
by Promaxer
What's going on community,
I could use some helping hand because I don't know why but I can't open my tracks on TS or CE,

Here are the pictures that show up when I try opening my tracks:

On CE:


On TS:


Any help would be great :)

PostPosted: 27.06.2011, 20:00
i don't know, sorry :s

PostPosted: 27.06.2011, 20:49
by Shortz
seems like CE could not find your tmnf profile

PostPosted: 28.06.2011, 02:30
by dose
Hi!, Did you tried to rename your track without strange fonts.
Just name it "track 1" or something like that ;)

Good luck, I remember having this bug and after re-install CE and TS, and rename my track I was able to open it.

PS: A good trick i always do : save by changing names every major changes.

EX: RPG a, RPG b, RPG c.....

PostPosted: 28.06.2011, 09:37
by Igntul
nah, you just changed PC or reistalled tm...
all you have to do is rename your "TMNationsForever" folder in Documents to "TrackMania", then it will work again

PostPosted: 28.06.2011, 18:01
by Promaxer
yeah dose i never put my rpg's with strange founts before the release...
Meanwhile ill try what ign told me!

PostPosted: 02.08.2011, 04:26
by dose

PostPosted: 04.12.2011, 16:37
by snellejasper
I have the same problem, but both of this answers isn't the right one.

I can't open ce or ts, so there's nothing wrong with the tracks. Also changing the name doesn't work. Is there a third option?

PostPosted: 04.04.2012, 11:17
by Roman4r

PostPosted: 22.11.2012, 10:37
by holzbalken

i got an actually not similar problem, but i think it does fit here somehow: when i open ts i get the message "please set your tm-folder". if i do so, it still doesnt load the textures but every block is like "unknown texture" - could the reason be that my tm.exe is in another folder than the actual stadiumtextures?

PostPosted: 22.11.2012, 13:23
by fabio_m
the problem is not the skins

you simply can't import a ghost from a diferent track
the replay has to be on the track you are building


PostPosted: 22.11.2012, 22:28
by popgun
Trackstudio has never worked for me. I've run TS on XP and Win 7 64bit and have been able to open and manipulate tracks with no problem.BUT, when it comes to opening the saved track in trackmania they have always crashed the game to the desktop. I've even brought it up with the TS author with no result.
It doesn't work on my setup(s). It's therefore a failure.

Nil points.



PostPosted: 23.11.2012, 12:05
by holzbalken
fabio_m - despite that you are wrong and you can import ghosts from other maps: i didn't mean anything with replays, it's about building in ts which i do without textureskin, it looks like this:

pop: you need to pay attention on what you change there. it's the same as in ce, there are just some things that do not work without making tm crash.

PostPosted: 24.11.2012, 05:34
by fabio_m
allow me to disagree with you m8, when I was building my mission track I had to delete all mediatracker just to blockmix and I guess it was because of the imported ghosts I recorded on a dummy track
I may be wrong through

I was anwsering the first post of this topic I don't know how to fix your problem with trackstudio :S

btw if it's a profil error try to create a new profil and make a track with it I dont know if it may work