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[BETA] Hunting Candy

PostPosted: 16.05.2011, 09:25
by simen
[size=10]Now my latest track ready for testing. Pays 1000 coppers for many MT tips, for example:FX fog.


Track info:

Name: Hunting Candy ($o$w$f90?$fffunting $f90?$fffandy): []
Story/Theme: Get out to the candy Shop/Find the candy shop and pay.
Tracktype: RPG
Blocks use: 10842
Mood: Day
Environnement: Stadium
Mod: Candy Box v.3 (Mod updated by me)
Music: Candy Song (me) & Candy Shop (50 cent)
Custom sign: (1fall & denax)
Sounds fx: ?
Media Tracker: Yes
Appearance: Candy Shop

This is just a beta track, and it is not finished.
The MT is not so good, need help with it.

Media Pack:
Track: [BETA] Hunting Candy

I must use Mediafire, TMX clicked.

If the Media Pack don't works i shall fix it ;D
Somebody who knows a better name for this track, came up with suggestions.[color=#666666] :)

PostPosted: 16.05.2011, 12:33
by nom²
validate the track or give us the password...

PostPosted: 16.05.2011, 13:17
by simen
Pobra0kr i have validated but it is f***ed. it says that I have not managed it, but i have.

PostPosted: 16.05.2011, 23:16
by dose
in the media pack;

why did you put images in both advertisement, and image folder ?

You did the same thing to music and sound .they are the same !?

is it because you use it in both mt and scenery ?

+ YOUR MOD url in LOC dosen't work at all .

so no mod is loading.

for your pics and sounds....PLEASE NEVER USE A 25 BITS/SECS hosting site ^^....IT TAKE AGES TO LOAD !!

instead use something like DROPBOX.COM and drop everything in Public folder ;)

For mod, ask the administrators of this site they will host it here

PostPosted: 17.05.2011, 06:35
by simen
Ohh its always something f**ked.. but i shall fix it :D and who is the admin of the side?

PostPosted: 17.05.2011, 19:10
by dose
Ask HawkGer ;) or as I said you can upload to loading is fast too ;)
but usely if you take time to present your mod here, they always have a look on your post.ask to host your mod there ;)

Read this first ^^ Mod Presentation Tips

PostPosted: 18.05.2011, 20:21
by Tabasco
MOD is uploaded (in 3 Minutes finish)