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How to do an Outro?

PostPosted: 05.12.2010, 18:27
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
I did one time an outro at "Hunting Santa Claus", a very funny, btw. When we tested track offline it worked.
When track is played online there is no outro anymore :evil:

I did in mediatrack an outro-trigger on the finish.
But that just works offline and not on server.
Anyone knows what i did wrong?

PostPosted: 05.12.2010, 19:06
by trunks_11
Hmm, i never put a trigger when i make an outro, when i play it offline then i see it, but i am not sure if other ppl see it online. Did you see the outro on my track al? :?:

PostPosted: 05.12.2010, 21:52
by Shortz
I just seen the outro once on a track offline. think u only could see it when u spectate a player who already finished the track. don

PostPosted: 05.12.2010, 22:29
by -|MfG|-Big Alâ„¢
trunks_11 wrote:Hmm, i never put a trigger when i make an outro, when i play it offline then i see it, but i am not sure if other ppl see it online. Did you see the outro on my track al? :?:

no ;(

PostPosted: 06.12.2010, 07:37
by Stromek
i think the trigger for outro should be set on start position...

PostPosted: 06.12.2010, 08:22
by Housekeepr
Outro's can be seen online if they're triggerd on the finish....

But u dont need to press anything while fniished... Just wait :-)

Its the same like the end credits of a movie...

Worked on my map Cop Out... while driving online i wait a moment and there was my outro ^^
Also its see-able when u spectate someone who finishes and then set it on "replay" u will see his replay and outro rolling ^^
Works online too... :)

PostPosted: 06.12.2010, 09:21
by nom²
try to contact tstargermany :D
montezumas treasure is a perfect example for outro and he made it without multilap.

PostPosted: 06.12.2010, 13:26
by trunks_11
yeah on tstars map i see the ourto too :D

Also i think that there

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 07:45
by Igntul
You just need one thing:


which sucks ^^
so don't do it, an outro working offline is enough

you would need a clip in the in game mt placed on the end block, thanks to multilap the car doesnt restart when you touch the end, so you see the outro instead

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 16:24
by dose
ok, you guy's saying it's possible^^

So in my case, how would i put my outro in a trigger at the finish line ?
I have many clips in outro triggered on many Checkpoints, so how can I import all clips in only 1 trigger ?


EDIT: Thanks Igntul, i think we answered at the same time ;)

PostPosted: 07.12.2010, 22:08
by Stromek
intro and outro triggers can be set up over ingame triggers..

i put the trigger at start position.. it also works online.. but sometimes there is a bug..(post above)

PostPosted: 08.12.2010, 07:30
by Housekeepr
Your outro on your MTC works fine...

I saw it yesterday while trying it online ^^

PostPosted: 28.01.2011, 22:07
by Crow
Mayby ask Crusard iff he's ever comeing back :search:

PostPosted: 29.01.2011, 00:07
by Kryw
put your trigger outro in the mt Ingame and put this on the finishblock and make a multistart

PostPosted: 01.01.2012, 23:20
by discombobulated
Tried the above KRYW but it didnt work.

Multi lap start and Trigger on the finish

It works if i hit the trigger without driving a full lap but not if i do a validation run

PostPosted: 02.01.2012, 00:23
by Kryw
u forgot to put your clip in MT INGAME with the Trigger

PostPosted: 02.01.2012, 18:20
by discombobulated

I did

What I did was an in game clip ,not end game..

I placed the trigger on the finish line ( but also tried it after on the next block when it didn't work)..

Multi lap Start, (Map is also set to 1 lap? )..

The clip works because if I set the trigger anywhere else apart from on finish line or just after it runs with no problems..

All I need is to sort out this then I can publish my first map)..

.....I had a look at your map sobekite and noticed you have set your outro to run as a clip in the in game and end game ?

PostPosted: 02.01.2012, 21:06
by discombobulated
Just drove it again. if i drive slowly onto the finish line block the clip starts

but when i move that little bit further and cross the line it causes the clip to stop

and that is with a mutilap start.

What am i doing wrong :)

Or is a case of publish and forget about trying to get it right

PostPosted: 03.01.2012, 04:53
by Shortz
online it works then, just offline u wont see it, or u stop before the finishline to see it ;)

PostPosted: 09.01.2012, 22:00
by discombobulated
Thank you shorty and all