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Mt Replay Mod Change

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 17:58
by dose
Hi guy's im doing a video (same style Hawk used to show stadium parts)for my mods with ONE replay!

I know it's possible to change the mod of a track while editing a track but...
Is it possible to do the same while editing a REPLAY ?

I mean like something as the same we do when changing the mod in track editor (to press CTRL while loading )

Thanks ! :D

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 18:35
by Shortz
I know that you could somehow change the MOOD in a replay, real cool effect for movies, but mod, should be possible, too I think.

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 18:37
by HawkGer
No, there is no direct function for that. The way I did it was to go into the modfolder and look for the mod which the replay has assigned. Delete that mod and go to the mod that you want to assign. Now you just have to rename the mod you want to have assigned to the name that was specified at first. TM doesn't validate what is inside a mod's .zip folder so you can do that with any mod/combination you like.
You could also change the entry of the mod specification in the .gbx file of the replay I think...but that is another story ;)

PostPosted: 27.09.2010, 19:31
by dose
Thanks Hawk, will try the name changing of my mods; your right tmn dosen't know what's inside ;)

Should work , will try and tell ;)

see ya!