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Can't open Challenge in Challenge-edit / Ingame

PostPosted: 05.09.2010, 17:48
by Housekeepr

Im working on a new RPG map, ive got like 75% of my idea's in my head in the map, but for some reason i blockmixed a part, saved it... and now ingame the challenge won't open... it gives an error about needing a block (with a code) ... and in CE it won't open "Acces violation error"

Help? Oo

I hope i don't loose my project here :S Never had this before :/

Tried to turned a stadimroad block with a pole on it, which i havent used in the map into a dirt thing...

Ingame error is:

Could not load Challenge!
U need these blocks:
-r7OqCgR3yODNwmJcPGyUafJKRAh (in Stadium)

PostPosted: 05.09.2010, 17:58
by beep
I had a same error when i build "Beep's cake"

After edit with challenge esit => error

I restart my track :(

sorry i cant help you

PostPosted: 05.09.2010, 18:02
by Housekeepr
U mean u had to build all over? :S

PostPosted: 05.09.2010, 18:18
by beep
yes but i was at 10%

And after this error, i save in more file

PostPosted: 05.09.2010, 18:24
by keso_rtv
that is why i use ts too,it makes copy every time u edit in sam emap,so if you got error just replace...

PostPosted: 05.09.2010, 18:26
by Housekeepr
Too bad im over 50% of my map :S

Ill start over -.-

I have TrackStudio but i dont understand the full program yet... and it gives an error on the map aswell,
Make sure your map can ben openend by CHallengeedit ...

Challengeedit gives erorr code 2002

Ingame he can't open... so i have no clue anymore :(
Only know im still to newbie in rpg building compared too the most...

PostPosted: 06.09.2010, 14:19
by fabio_m
dont use special characters in track name or challenge edit will not open ;)

its a common mistake i already done that many many times without knowing the origin

PostPosted: 06.09.2010, 14:38
by Promaxer
Yeah fabio is right....

PostPosted: 06.09.2010, 17:54
by sol666
error 2002 has something to do with urls in mediatracker. you propably added something (pic / sound / skin) with locator. challenge edit has trouble with these url, so any other program based on ce won't be able to open the track either.

easiest solution for this: export all groups and delete the whole mt. finish the map and re-import all groups. you'll have to place all triggers again, but better than being unable to mix...

PostPosted: 06.09.2010, 19:37
by Housekeepr
First of all thanks everyone for the kindness and trying to aid...

But i didnt made any MT work, i was still building it happend during a blockmix from a unused block to highend dirt...

Also the map name didnt had special characters it was simply called "New Project.challenge.gbx"

so ... im still not much further... but i got an autosaved copy of it tough, i have to a route of 20cp's over :(

PostPosted: 06.09.2010, 20:03
by MadeAnonymous
This happened to my Intronaut as well. It's not MT-related. You should try deleting what you built last.. and always take lots of backups.. and never use TS before it's safe ^^

PostPosted: 06.09.2010, 21:52
by Housekeepr
Thanks, ive learned my lesson!

I couldnt delete the last block(s) i build/mixed... so i had to start over from the last back up i had... but actually after all im pleased i went over, i rebuilded the first part in a way cooler way :D

Onwards to make it a better map :-)

Any volunteers for beta testing btw? ^^

PostPosted: 07.09.2010, 14:04
by dose
Don't be sad ;)

If you are able to open it.Or next time it happend, do this and it works ;)

-Save all your MT ; intro-ingame-outro 3 times or more =))same with the track.
-keep one version for mt, one for BM,etc....
-when you blockmix , Don't save with Skins in the mt.Just leave a tm skins (and put the skins at the last time)

I hade the same ERROR problem and after Emptying the cache of TM , I was able to open it.
then i took out all the skins and NEVER hade any problem blockmixing.

Good luck with this!


PostPosted: 08.09.2010, 05:33
by DarkRiver
There's one thing you all forget. CE actually makes backups. IN your my challenges folder, there should be your track file, and also some files with the exact same name, but with .bak, followed by a number behind it. If you rename the last .bak file to the original name.challenge.gbx (first rename the broken trackfile). It should be capable of opening.

PostPosted: 08.09.2010, 09:44
by Housekeepr
Thanks all for the very nice help!

I wrote it down, so it won't happen again to me :-)

PostPosted: 08.09.2010, 13:35
by Shortz
seen often this .bak files in my folder but never thought they would be the backup from the track :D