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Blue grounds

PostPosted: 08.08.2010, 21:01
by Shortz
got a simple question, but don

PostPosted: 08.08.2010, 21:28
by eie
As far as I know, this is impossible. It as if you should add those yellow connection without road. which is also impossible. Maybe possible with some hacking technique, but I DON'T KNOW!

PostPosted: 08.08.2010, 22:44
by MadeAnonymous
I think I have tried, but I was never able to do it with CE.

PostPosted: 09.08.2010, 03:49
by Shortz
okay, thx guys :)

PostPosted: 09.08.2010, 08:16
by keso_rtv
try like u are making grass in air,just search for some stadium farbic...i think that doesn't exist but search ^^

PostPosted: 09.08.2010, 09:48
by MadeAnonymous
Yeah you could use a custom mod to make the effect you want.

A block that is basically the same as the blue ground you're talking about is StadiumSupport, you can try using this.

PostPosted: 12.08.2010, 09:31
by Igntul
dont remember how i did, but i had a bug once, but the blue ground was higher then z0 and was mixed with grazz creating flickering.... i dont even remember if this effect lasted after i left the editor... you can try some weird combinations mixing many v2=16 blocks and then play with the fabric

PostPosted: 12.08.2010, 10:34
by Shortz
got also sometimes the bug with the flickering grass/blueground, but the problem is them u don

PostPosted: 12.08.2010, 11:45
by eie
I think leaving the editor, then enter again, might help =)

PostPosted: 12.08.2010, 18:17
by trunks_11
i tried and it didn