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Unofficial TrackStudio model addon >> 400+ new models

PostPosted: 02.08.2010, 15:41
by HawkGer
In this post I'm going to offer a TrackStudio version which includes nearly all block models for displaying blocks inside TrackStudio. About a month ago I created those 400+ 3d models, adding to the already existing 130 models. Shortly after I lost contact with Tossha (the creator of TS) and I haven't seen or heard of him since. So I'm releasing these models kinda without his consent because I feel like this is too much of a helpful resource to keep it inaccessible to the builders for so long.
Note that Tossha hasn't validated these models yet so there can be errors in it. I do know of two errors which I can't fix though; the dirthills having wrong heights and the big scenery arches being placed in the wrong location.

The blocks that still don't have 3d models yet:
StadiumWater, StadiumPool and StadiumDirtBorder


Tip: Use the "Hide undisplayed" filter to reduce the lag

I do hope Tossha will soon come online again. Not only will he finalize these models but there is a whole new TrackStudio version with lots of cool features waiting to be released. For so long...I hope this version will do okay for you too ;)

PostPosted: 02.08.2010, 15:43
by Kryw

PostPosted: 02.08.2010, 16:14
by MadeAnonymous
thanks for releasing, hopefully tossha will come online soon

PostPosted: 02.08.2010, 20:27
by Shortz
good news hawk, will be much better now to mix blocks :)

PostPosted: 02.08.2010, 21:32
by scorpion
this is much better to mix blocks and faster ... :rolleyes:

PostPosted: 03.08.2010, 21:49
by Nyrbius
I never tried TS, does it really works? ^^

PostPosted: 04.08.2010, 09:22
by scorpion
well i spotted a bug with the sculpt arches in the studio they are -2 y from the editor probably because arches have soo much grass or i don't know if you have 26 y in studio you have 24 y in editor . but otherwise it is awesome

PostPosted: 04.08.2010, 10:12
by MadeAnonymous
Nyrbius wrote:I never tried TS, does it really works? ^^

I never use TS; it has a bad habit of making the track unopenable.. so it's better to use the stable CE

PostPosted: 04.08.2010, 11:29
by HawkGer
yes scorpion, I already mentioned the sculpt arches in the first post. For every model there is a .bzi file in which the number of cubic squares and their location for the block are written in. For the arches I haven't made those files, Tossha wanted to do them. For every cubic square there are three numbers (x,y,z) and the arches have about 30 cubic squares. So that's 90 numbers you have to manually type correctly :pinch: About the safety of TS: yes it sometimes bugs...but if you always keep backups before using TS you will be on the safe side. Especially for large number of blocks and weird mixes it can save you a lot of time. But for very simple mixes CE does just fine.

PostPosted: 04.08.2010, 23:25
by scorpion
yes love the backup thing lot of rpg of mine went to waste because i didn't have a backup :(
soo yeah still great job :D and to think it can get better the it allready is :o

PostPosted: 05.08.2010, 16:15
by nom²
maybe it sounds stupid.. but i have no idea how to zoom^^
i just see the blocks from faaar away
and btw tec is right.. already had some errors with variation 2-16 mixes..

PostPosted: 05.08.2010, 17:00
by Vklf
I believe u can move around in the 3d-image with arrow keys or wasd-keys

PostPosted: 05.08.2010, 18:32
by popgun
Controls can be found here: Guide: TrackStudio alpha

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 16:02
by tossha
Yo guys, i'm alive again^^
I've been on Rodos for two weeks and i have problems with internet now, so i have to go to the fast food to use its wi-fi.

TS is getting better and better every hour, i hope the closed beta will come in a week. Totally new interface, settings (keys, backup and CE paths and some other), cool backuping sysetem are ready now. Changing block type and some details left. I have some problems with dds textures so there will be bmp for now.

Thank you very much for releasing your models Hawk, i hope it will help to uncover bugs if there are ones. I'll try to test them all and include to the final version.

I'll try to be around, TrackStudio is coming!

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 16:10
by Nyrbius
tossha wrote: TrackStudio is coming!

Yeeeeeeah! Go go tossha and Hawk! :thumbup:

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 16:30
by eie
Will it be more stable? ? I remember first time I used it, my track just crashed >_>

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 16:32
by Igntul
tossha wrote:i hope it will help to uncover bugs if there are ones.

ts crashed my map once again, + 15 blocks have wrong size\location + variation 2, 3, and one around 100 of the dirthill is missing, + the Grass\water\dirtClip + a wrong texture in the StadiumCircuitBorder block :whistling:

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 17:47
by tossha
Yes eie, it will. And now it has handy backups, so your track won't be killed for sure.

Ign thank you for testing, i'll check it after i finish with code. Or try to ask Hawk to fix bugs if he want. Can you email me two copies of your track again? like last time, before and after crash.

i have to check those 100 missing blocks, but hawk can try to fix those 15 wrong blocks if he wants

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 17:57
by trunks_11
TS is good when you want to move more than one block in one time :)

I ever open ce and ts, because in ce you can write the numbers of the Y,X and Z directly and you musn

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 18:20
by tossha
Trunks i've already fixed this promlem and in full version you will be able to set any value for all selected blocks

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 19:19
by trunks_11
Oh thanks tossha :)

PostPosted: 11.08.2010, 20:04
by HawkGer
Ah welcome back Tossha to the living. I wasn't patient enough to await your return and had to release those models, but I see you are okay with that :D I think what Igntul meant was that the variation 100 of the dirthill is missing, not 100 models. I guess with those 15 models you also mean the dirthills which I made in a rush. I can't fix those...unless you give me a new version of TS, Tossha. Also the big scenery arches have a wrong location of course, you would have to fix those too. Sad to hear the .dds textures didn't work out. I hope you found a way to reduce lag nonetheless? Maybe jpeg would work better than .dds, it doesn't have mipmaps for scaling but it's still smaller than bmp. I hope the betatest will come soon :)

PostPosted: 12.08.2010, 08:13
by trunks_11
Igntul wrote:[quote='']i hope it will help to uncover bugs if there are ones.

15 blocks have wrong size\location :whistling:[/quote]My ts didn

PostPosted: 12.08.2010, 09:10
by Igntul
HawkGer wrote: I guess with those 15 models you also mean the dirthills which I made in a rush.

these too, but there are many others with a wrong location, i will make a list when i see them...

tossha: another thing i hate is that you can't turn a normal block in another block, while CE can... and i use veeeeery much this feature for the dirt hills, weird dirt blocks, water etc... so if i do that with CE and then open the map in TS the block will be shown as "?" :o and i dont want that, expecially for the dirt hills *_*

PostPosted: 13.08.2010, 13:42
by Nyrbius
Igntul wrote:

tossha: another thing i hate is that you can't turn a normal block in another block, while CE can... and i use veeeeery much this feature for the dirt hills, weird dirt blocks, water etc... so if i do that with CE and then open the map in TS the block will be shown as "?" :o and i dont want that, expecially for the dirt hills *_*

With me it's the same thing! :wacko: