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Water blocks erased

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Water blocks erased

Postby Blast- » 30.05.2015, 21:28

If i put grass to z=0 to fill buged holes, close TS. When i open it with the map, all water blocks will disapear, all backups with water blocks will be dead. So once i open the map on TS there is absolutely nothing i can do to go back.

Is this something i should be aware or you have never seen that, why it does that?

Like i just finished my map and realized that i forgot 1 water block, now all are missing é_è.

This is just insane to do that again once the map is built and especialy with TS lags...
Posts: 5
Joined: 17.05.2015, 22:12

Re: Water blocks erased

Postby Blast- » 30.05.2015, 21:34

Actually nevermind i can transform blocks.

But still a pretty shitty bug D:
Posts: 5
Joined: 17.05.2015, 22:12

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