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Master Server Error

PostPosted: 28.01.2015, 09:27
by Birdy81
I'm doing some MT on a track to be released soon and everytime i go to test the custom music i'm placing on the track i'm getting this error message

what is it ? and how to i stop it from happening?

the file is being uploaded from dropbox and i am chaning the " ?dl=0 to ?dl=1 which i know i have to do , the names are the same . and i'm doing the same thing from the last track i did the mt where everything worked as i wanted to

please help as i want to get this MT done ASAP

Re: Master Server Error

PostPosted: 28.01.2015, 16:58
by ZiZa
Trackmania does not work with redirected downloads, so instead use the direct download feature from dropbox. ... e.jpg?dl=0
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