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I Need Track Testers

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 12:03
by Promaxer
Hey People, today (7/7/2010) I finished a track, but it won't be on TMX yet, cause i need 5 testers and tell me what shud i put better, or shud i put a larger map, leave comments, if you want to test the trach name "Suhaj" an old egyptian city,just send me a message. I also need someone to make me a foto to put on TMX, (believe me i tried days and night and I'm not very good at that), and I also need someone to do a awesome MediaTracker for my track, remember if you want to test the track just send me a message and i'll send you the link and the replay if you want.
Thanks for the attencion.

.Promaxer :D

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 12:19
by trunks_11
sry, but i have to build my own track.. and i only have now 9 more days ;)

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 12:54
by keso_rtv
promaxer,upload track on beta area,copy id,go to rpg pub server 1 or 2,type /add id and vote for next,players will be coming to test :)

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 13:04
by Promaxer
rtv_televizija, I don't feel great to do that and my track is on a website w/ a hidden name, cause it's only a beta version.

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 13:24
by keso_rtv
beta verions on that server only lol,and new tracks ;)

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 13:30
by Tiji78
I'd be glad to test your map :)

Just post (or send me a mp) with your .gbx file, I'll test it this evening, and tell you what i think of it tomorrow morning ;)

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 18:12
by Promaxer
I just posted the track in beta area go check it out and then send me a message saying how it is :D

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 18:14
by Tabasco
Promaxer wrote:I just posted the track in beta area go check it out and then send me a message saying how it is :D

I see Nothing in Beta Area

PostPosted: 07.07.2010, 22:56
by Tiji78
Hey Promaxer !

I tested your map on 2 runs !

1st run on aproximatively 30 minutes.

The first part of your map (until after the dirt jump) is ugly. But it's a new kind of starting for me on a rpg track.
So ugly, but nice when you know how to take it right :P

I do not have the cp counter on local, so I couldn't know how many cps there were, but I like the way that, at different moments on the maps, we can see other places we've been just 4 minutes ago... It just show the way of thinking you put into this map :) and I love that :love:

2nd run in 17min...
I crashed a lot, but succeed at first shot at some cp's that I find a litlle tricky.

I think it's clearly possible to make it on 10 minutes, or maybe 9 for guys like r2, Anonymous, Hawkger and Varela (just to name these 4).

So, for a first map, I think that some jumps/tricks are too easy, but we need sometimes tricks like these.
Your map is quite furnished (almost all kind of tricks).

I think it's a nice map for the guys who want to discover RPG.
Ah, Good Choice of Mod (GM :P)

Cya !

PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 09:44
by Promaxer
But Tiji, 1st is not my 1st mapbut it is my first beta of a track, so you think i shud continue making the rpg bigger or shud i put it on tmx?

I'm still waiting for Kryw and other people comments so...Say what shud i do in your opinion.

New Track Coming Soon Called ''The Tree'' :D


PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 09:50
by Tiji78
I'm not a map maker, so my opinion counts less than Kryw's or eie's for example.

You could make it 5 to 10 cps longer, it wouldn't kill your map :P

I didn't understand that map wasn't your first :P
But the map is nice, but a 15 min map would be nicer in terms of length of play :)

See you later, hoping I helped you at least a litlle bit ^^

PostPosted: 08.07.2010, 10:03
by Promaxer
Ok Tiji thanks for the help commenting and testing the track, i'll wait for kryws and otther players for commenting :D