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track building

PostPosted: 11.12.2014, 17:02
by Fanatik-Dedmick
google translate sorry: :o :cry:
hello all, I want to map with tm2 to serve me cut and paste blocks
off converting to tm2 tm1 n not have worked the air
I have the following message: No the map have not been able to be loaded; vou don t have the collection (unassigned)
who have already try?
j waiting for your answer thank you

bonjour a tous :je veut mapper avec tm2 pour me servir du copier coller des blocs
hors la conversion tm2 vers tm1 n as pas l air de fonctionné
j ai le message suivant: la map n as pas pu etre chargé; vou n avez pas la collection (unassigned)
qui l as deja essayer?
j attend vos reponse merci

Re: track building

PostPosted: 11.12.2014, 22:50
by JuliusOctopus
Sa ne marchera jamais de faire de TM2 a TM1. Mais le contraire marche !
La raison : euhh..fff....c'est juste que TM1 ne possede pas des composantes que TM2 a !

Re: track building

PostPosted: 12.12.2014, 00:19
by Jurek
Once, while building tm1 editor + unlimiter I quite often these messages. I lost a lot of nerve for the removal and repair many of my maps. I noticed one important thing:
When you build or modify maps with unlimiter Do not use the button - "back" in the editor.
It is better to manually delete poorly built block. Any use of the "back" and save your work will make you will not be able to open the file anymore!

The tm2 no such problems, and rpgtitle pack that's another story :) (google translate).