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invisible road

PostPosted: 03.01.2014, 17:50
by kaze.
hiya guys i need your help again for some BM.

firstly: no it's not the kind of invisible road you get when you do watermixing. ;)

i'm searching for a way to get a type of platform that is invisible to see from below but you can drive normally on it.

examples of these are nom's deepwater horizon (just in front of the finish) and wreck-it ralph by onicole (second to last CP of the track). i'm sure there are many others but these 2 just jumped in my head.

thx in advance.

PS. i use CE in case that's needed to know?

PostPosted: 03.01.2014, 20:13
by luckypech
I think that the block you are looking for is the roof of 8-8-5. The easiest way to make them imo is using CE, the same way as for watermixing, but changing to the block StadiumInflatableSupport, all variations 0.

PostPosted: 03.01.2014, 22:08
by Geekthenet
You can do it with a normal stadiumplatform too by mixing with one that goes up.

You need trackstudio tho ;) and put it up to 16

Not sure if i'm right. I don't remember the 2 maps you are talking about.