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Searching for cuts.

Postby Razo.'R » 07.05.2013, 19:07

Hi there,
some of you might know me from tmx since i'm quite active there. mostly as a fullspeed builder but i've already built 2 pg tracks and a third one will follow. actually it's already finished but it's quite huge and open so there might appear some cuts.

that is why i need you experienced rpg drivers.

I will give everyone who helps me a few coppers depending on how many will help me since my copper-count is quite limited (about 9k atm)

Zippyshare.com - dis pater. (rpg).Challenge.Gbx
Zippyshare.com - dis pater. (rpg)_R4a _ ?a?0r(17'57''44).Replay.Gbx the replay is for you to instantly find the right way. i'm really sorry for a lot of fails in my run but my rpg skills are quite low (yeah i'm a noob :) )

i'd be really happy if some of you guys have time and want to help me.

greets Razo.'R
Posts: 2
Joined: 17.03.2012, 16:09

Postby holzbalken » 07.05.2013, 21:01

wow, you can already reach like 50 different cp1s. :D

[comment made after 20s of driving the map, rest will follow later]
Posts: 56
Joined: 24.10.2010, 15:33

Postby Razo.'R » 08.05.2013, 08:25

That's why i've added a sign to show you the right way ;D
Posts: 2
Joined: 17.03.2012, 16:09

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