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Intro & Outro

Postby XdaC » 12.03.2013, 18:26


im building a new RPG-Track named Junglefever 2 (Env: Coast / Vehicle: Stadium) and wanted to do all the mediatrackerwork on my own (for the very first time) so i've done the ingame MT but im to lazy to learn the functions for outro and intro.. so my question: does somebody want to make this for me? i can pay some coppers for that (i have ~8000)

in the track Donkey Kong is going crazy because he lost his 6 diamonds in the whole jungle and you have to collect them during the RPG-race, this is what i want to show in the intro. i have also done some replays of donkey kong during the race (for example he drives a circle all the time because his diamonds were gone) and i want to show this in the intro too

in the outro i want to show that donkey kong is happy to have his diamonds back (maybe with the 6 diamonds in the background?)

could someone please do this for me? i think this would be a big intro and a lot of work so i would pay a lot of coppers for a good work =)


Last edited by XdaC on 12.03.2013, 19:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby XdaC » 13.03.2013, 11:43

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Joined: 26.02.2013, 21:13

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