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outro not working

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outro not working

Postby discombobulated » 27.11.2011, 23:45


Last bit of help please I've finished my map and tying to get my outro to work.

Im using the replay from my validation run as im using some of the run in the outro but when I play the map and cross the finish line the outro has two cars, my replay ghost and the car from the run ive just made .

It wouldn't be so bad but it takes over some parts of the outro and unless its a perfect run it will not go in time with my view changes . I thought it may have something to do with changing the target but that changes my camera views and I still end up with two cars, I end up with my replay from the validation and another car

How do i do it so the outro uses the ghost from my validation replay and only that ghost.
Last edited by discombobulated on 28.11.2011, 22:46, edited 4 times in total.
Posts: 31
Joined: 31.10.2011, 22:37

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