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Car Skin/Door/Standing Still

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Car Skin/Door/Standing Still

Postby Housekeepr » 14.12.2010, 12:49

Hi all,

I was wondering, how to put a door or even better a car standing still during all the time of the map while u drive it?
Im working on a small X-mas thing, and I have this huge X-mas three car-skin, and i would like to use it as "scenery decoration"

Perhaps if someone has the time to make a tutorial, I think not only I could gain profit of it learning it :)

(its the same tought as the Sun in Igntul's Apocolypse)

Thanks in advance!
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Postby trunks_11 » 14.12.2010, 16:36

on giggys apocalypse he just let a car standing still on a place and then saved it as replay (should be the same place like in the other map) then he putted it into the mt of apocalypse and set it for the first cps, for every cp a new mt. When i remember right he didn
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Postby Housekeepr » 14.12.2010, 16:53

A real tutorial would be nice.

Dont rush, as long i have it before X-mas :P
So i can finish the map ^^
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Postby trunks_11 » 14.12.2010, 18:42

I think i am going to make one ;)
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Postby Igntul » 14.12.2010, 22:16

well i don't think you need a tuto...
it's actually very simple...
1 - join your map\editor with the car you want to use as scenery (you don't need to create a new map as mrunky said)
2 - place your car on the map, drive somewhere till you reach the position you like (cam7 will help a lot)
3 - wait 4-5 seconds, then press "S" and save the replay
4 - go into the MT Editor of the track, create a new clip with triggering area(abd other effects if you want them), and select "add ghost" from the top of the MT tools screen, select the replay you just saved
5 - click on the white MT block of the ghost, and select "start after", insert the replay time when your car stands in the right place
6 - configure the clip as "endless"

and you are done..

I have Italian TM so if i translated some words in a bad way just tell me, i will try to explain better.... or if you just need pictures i will make a tuto^^
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Postby Housekeepr » 14.12.2010, 23:14

Thnx Ign,

I'll try first, if any Questions come all ask for the pic tutorial,
And translation is well done ^^
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Postby trunks_11 » 15.12.2010, 13:19

well, i think i will never make tutos when ppl posted it in forum :D

Ever when i start to work anyone else comes and makes the job
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