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Layers in mediatracker

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Layers in mediatracker

Postby eie » 25.11.2010, 18:28

ok so behind this black screen there are some text, which I would like to be on the front of the screen instead of behind it. the only problem is that I'm not sure how to do this :s

now if anyone could please help me, so I can finish this track? =)
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Postby HawkGer » 25.11.2010, 18:55

on the left side you see an option called "depth 0.5". Can't remember exactly but it makes sense that if you want to have the text in the front you need to give it a lower depth. So for example the rectangle is 0.5, then the text needs to be 0.4. Hope that works ;)
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Postby eie » 25.11.2010, 18:58

so that's what that's what "depth" do o_O
didn't know that, I'll try it in a second ^^

Edit: Thanks !! worked perfectly :D now I can focus on finishing this track again =)
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Postby Igntul » 26.11.2010, 06:46

lol :o

I was always doing it another way, placing earlier the background items, later the near ones...

and wondering what "depth" was for^^
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Postby eie » 26.11.2010, 13:00

I started by doing that, but later noticed that the background items would randomly appear in the front :s

but hey; depth is working ^^
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