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adding .gifs to media tracking

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adding .gifs to media tracking

Postby Birdy81 » 15.10.2015, 06:45

i want to add a .gif to the MT of the next track to the Dark Dreams series, and i uploaded as per normal with a jpeg image, and the locator as well but when i go into the MT i don't see the image i want, is there away to have .gifs with TM or is that just a pipedream ? as what i want to do will add one extra feature Myself and RedVirus hasn't done yet
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Re: adding .gifs to media tracking

Postby maxi031 » 15.10.2015, 11:11

You have to convert your animation to webm file.
You can use this site to convert it: http://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-webm
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Re: adding .gifs to media tracking

Postby zipperke » 17.10.2015, 20:15

don't forget you can add transparancy on them
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Joined: 02.04.2015, 00:43

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